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The next day after writing that reply, he stood at the same bus stop, same time because, yep that so-called manager. Jungkook really that wishes that looks could kill. Like he would give that manager one look, that lazy ass would die and Kook would look away. Like who's gonna know it was him. His manager pisses off people so easily. He just has to open his mouth and congrats, even the police would want to put him behind the bars.

"Tsk! Ughh why can't I get a promotion?? I want to kick that àsshóle out!" Jungkook complained, but he knew, his wish isn't gonna get completed just like that. It's real life yk, unless Jungkook suddenly gets power one day after waking up and he can use it to- stop stop, don't be so delusional Jungkook.

Being all alone,  his curious mind decided to check if there's another sticky note or not. And yes, there is!

Wait someone actually replied!?? Omg hiiii!! How are you mr. stranger?^^

Jungkook smiled at that, finding it silly. But who was he kidding? He was one silly guy too, so he takes out his pen, and writes:

Hey stranger. I am pissed off, wbu?

He's quite eager to know what would be that stranger's reply.

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