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Another week had passed and Jungkook lost hope. He should just forget about it. Taehyung left, or maybe he wasn't even there. Just because they talked a little on the notes doesn't mean they were something. Just strangers who shared their thoughts, and one day it ended. That's it, that's all it was.

Atleast one good thing happens in Jungkook's life recently, after Taehyung disappeared. His àsshóle manager quit his job or like he was suspended. Someone reported him of sexúal harassment, of stealing proposals and also of bad behaviour towards his employees. Jungkook was happy, it's okay if he didn't have the courage to do anything, atleast someone did. And it helped many of them. Only Jungkook knows how much he wanted to share this with his hyung, with Taehyung but sad. Sad, that person didn't exist in his life anymore. How silly he is, to be attached to a stranger so easily.

And he is more silly to still wait at the bus stop for a message, for a note, even on his day off. What is he even doing with his life?? He wants to forget about Taehyung, just like he did, but Kook can't! He just can't. Deep inside, he wishes for Taehyung to come back, to write something, even if it's a goodbye, he wants that. He wants a proper goodbye and Jungkook finds himself so pathetic these days.

Today, his new manager joined and he was decent enough, polite to his employees, kind to Jungkook and didn't burden him with every little thing. Jungkook is thankful for that. Because of his new joining, he decided to end the work early and kept a small party in a restaurant, where Jungkook was invited too but he wasn't really in the mood. He was too dull to attend any type of party. That's why he was at bus stop, at seven pm, waiting for his bus. He did glance at the advertisement but was met with nothing. He laughed at his own desperate self.

He sat there for a while, not really in a mood to go home right now. People standing or sitting near him got on the bus, and the stop was getting empty now. Right now, it was completely empty. He just sat there, staring at nothing. So done with himself, he decided to get on the next bus that comes there, obviously if it goes towards the direction of his house.

He was looking up at the starry sky, when he hears footsteps, loud and fast. He looked at his right side and saw someone running towards the stop. Maybe they were afraid to miss their bus. He ignored it. The male who was running, now stopped near Jungkook's seat, and was catching his breath. Kook glanced at him, the male wore a white shirt, blue jeans and red jacket. His hair was pretty messy too, maybe because of the running. He face was sweaty but ath sweat was shining making his face glow. The man was indeed very handsome, one of the most handsome man Jungkook has met till now.

Kook looked ahead when the male glanced at him. He then felt the male walking behind him, towards the...

Advertisement board? Why was he going there? Jungkook frowned.

He saw the male walk towards the corner of the board, looking down and then picked the note Jungkook has stuck there, when he was worried about Taehyung. Yes, he still hadn't pulled it out, he was really stupid.

"Kookie..I am sorry" Jungkook heard the male mumble while staring at his note. His breath hitched and he stood up, turning towards that male or possibly Taehyung. His bus arrives but he gives no notice to it, so the bus took drives away.

Jungkook gulps, his lips parted but no sound coming out. He tries to calm himself when sees the male takes out a sticky note from his pocket and a pen too. He's about to write something when Jungkook calls him.. "Tae-Taehyungie hyung?"

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