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Like these days passed, and now it has been a month that they started talking or more like writing. It was like an escape to them, writing about how they felt and the other gave positive reply. Talking about silly things, complimenting each other, sharing life stories or just a small how are you doing. So unexpected for Jungkook, but now it became one of the best thing in daily life. He looked forward to end his work and quickly reach the bus stop so he could read and write back to Taehyungie hyung.

But today, he frowned upon reaching the bus stop because there was no sticky note. He even went behind the board to check, under the seat , on the pole anywhere but he couldn't find the note. Did Taehyung forgot to write? Was he so busy? But he didn't tell Jungkook about being late or absent in yesterday's note. So? Or did Taehyung got fed up with his ta- no no , don't overthink Kook. Hyung must be busy, he will write tomorrow for sure. Jungkook assured himself.

Next day, no message. Jungkook was confused, disappointed, sad. Maybe next day Taehyung would write. He told himself. He also decided to write something, asking him about his whereabouts. If not Taehyung, atleast he can ask.

Taehyungie hyung, where are you? Is everything okay? I am worried.

He eagerly approached the bus stop the next, his note was there but no reply from Taehyung. Where did he go?

Another day, no message.

Another day.

Another day.


Two weeks had passed, since Taehyung's messages stopped coming.

They hadn't exchanged numbers too, since just writing small notes felt comfortable, so the topic of phone numbers never came up. Maybe Jungkook should've asked about it, maybe he would be contact Taehyung then.

Did he leave? Without informating Jungkook? Of course, they were still strangers but after talking for a month, Kook feels he deserved a goodbye, atleast.

Maybe Taehyung got bored of it, of his talks. He thought it's a waste of time that's why he left without saying anything. Yea.. it's not like Jungkook is an interesting or fun person actually. Taehyung might have said all that to make him happy. Because in real, Jungkook was nothing but a pushover.

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