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"Tae-Taehyungie hyung?"

The male who was about to write something aka Taehyung, turns around towards Jungkook, staring at him with wide eyes.
"Kookie??" He asked!

"Y-Yes..me Kookie" Jungkook replied, his eyes glossy now due to the tears. He can't help but feel emotional on seeing Taehyung, who came back, to write something for him.

"Oh..oh god. Kookie it's you!!? I am seeing you right now??"

"Where were you hyungie? I waited..waited a lot but you didn't write! Where were you?" Jungkook asked desperately as his tears rolled down his eyes to his cheeks.

"I am so sorry Kookie, I didn't mean to just disappear like that. Hyung is so sorry, please don't cry" Taehyung can't help but pull the crying boy in his arms.

"I was worried, th-thought something happened. Then..then thought you got fed up, I bored you out."

"No no, you didn't. You're such a cutie squishy baby, how can I get bored mhm? Hyung's life got messy, Kookie. That's why I was busy in that. I should've asked your number, it wouldn't get so troublesome then."

"I..I thought the same, hyung." Kook sniffles.

"I am really sorry kookie." Taehyung pulled away from the hug as he cups Kook's wet and red face. He squishes his cheeks a little. "Aww look at you. I was right, you're so cute!"

Jungkook whines, stepping away from Taehyung which made Tae chuckle.

"I have a lot to tell hyung, so many things I wanted to write about!" Jungkook said, wiping his tears.
"Me too, have a lot to share. Should we sit here?"
"Mhm, it's gonna be empty anyways"

As they settle down, Jungkook asks, "where did you go hyung? for so long."

"My dad...we had a fight and it got intense. I decided to move because no matter how much I talked to him, he wouldn't understand a word! I was so done moved out of there. I was busy with trying to find a place, also to manage my job, settling down, everything. I even got a little sick due to the stress. Things are finally getting on track and the first thing I did was come here. I wanted to see you, to write something.

When I saw your note, I felt so suffocated that maybe this was the last note from you. I am sorry for making you worry, dear."

"It's okay.." Jungkook whispered. "I also assumed a lot, couldn't help it. M'just happy that you're here, that you also wanted to see, that you remembered me. I thought it's just me only.. being pathetic, getting so attached to you, just because of the notes. It was so stupid of me"

"It's okay Kookie. You're not stupid. I am attached to you too. Your notes made me so happy, so touched. I eagerly waited to write to you and to read your reply. Thank you for waiting for me."


"What about your manager? He still pisses you off hm?"

"No, he was suspended. Someone reported about how much an àsshóle he is, with evidence. We got a new manager and he's nice."

"I am so happy for you Kookie!!" Taehyung smiles and hugs him again. Jungkook too hug back, melting into the warm embrace. He mumbles, "Hyung?"

"How are you?"

"I am fine now. What about Kookie?"

"I am fine too."

They both smile and hug each other more tightly.

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