Episode 7 : Terrifying Transformation

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At the destroyed hidden lab of Dr. Gero, General Rilldo watched the footage with a sinister grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Before him stood Vegeta, his Super Saiyan Blue Evolution form pulsating with power as he towered over Rilldo.

"Excellent work, Bizu," Rilldo praised, his voice cold and calculating. "With this data, we will have everything we need to crush the Z Fighters once and for all."

Vegeta, his expression grim, clenched his fists tightly as he prepared for the inevitable confrontation. He knew that the battle was far from over, and that the Z Fighters would need to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

But what new challenges await our heroes on the horizon? Will they be able to overcome the looming threat posed by General Rilldo? As the Z Fighters face their greatest trials yet, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance once more, what fate awaits Master Roshi, whose life hangs in the balance after the harrowing battle?

We continue the beatdown of General Rilldo by Vegeta in his Super Saiyan Blue evolved, releasing his energy. Rilldo mocks him for being prideful, knowing they are recording and reading the powerful fighters in all the universes. "Cabba is smarter than Vegeta, even though Universe 6 is not as powerful as Universe 7," Rilldo taunts. "At least that universe is smarter than Vegeta combined."

Vegeta, fueled by emotion, continues to pummel Rilldo. Rilldo's body flies all over the place, creating tremors and shockwaves as Vegeta bounces him throughout the sky. Goten watches, monitoring the battle. He wonders why Rilldo is allowing himself to be beaten like this. Something doesn't make sense.

"Master Vegeta, be careful! Something is fishy," Goten warns, concern evident in his voice.

Vegeta, caught up in the heat of battle, dismisses Goten's warning. "Focus on your own issues, Goten. Monitor the surroundings so we don't have to interfere," he instructs. "Don't worry about them biting me or infecting me. My energy level is over the infection point. Even if they were to bite me, it wouldn't do anything."

Rilldo smirks and mocks Vegeta's intelligence. Vegeta counters with a sharp retort, mocking Rilldo's lack of proper armor and filthy name. With one final punch, Vegeta sends Rilldo crashing to the ground.

As Rilldo's twisted form melded with Vegeta's, a grotesque fusion of man and machine emerged from the shadows, a horrifying testament to the depths of depravity that science could achieve. Vegeta's once regal countenance contorted into a nightmarish mask, his features twisted and warped by the malevolent influence of his captor. Four ghastly eyes glowed with an unholy light, their gaze piercing through the darkness with a chilling intensity, while Rilldo's vile maw protruded from Vegeta's chest like a gaping wound, oozing with dark ichor.

The jagged, yellow-green protrusions of Rilldo's armor pierced through Vegeta's flesh, rending muscle and sinew with each agonizing movement. His spine arched in torment as the metal spikes burrowed deeper into his body, anchoring him in place like a sacrificial offering to some ancient, eldritch deity.

A guttural growl escaped Vegeta's lips, its sound warped and distorted by the twisted amalgamation of man and machine. It echoed through the chamber like a chorus of the damned, sending shivers down the spines of all who bore witness to the grotesque spectacle.

But before Vegeta could even attempt to resist, a suffocating paralysis seized hold of him, rendering his limbs useless and his mind trapped within a prison of terror. The mercury-laced blood that coursed through his veins sent searing waves of agony rippling through his body, each pulse a symphony of torment that threatened to tear his very soul asunder.

Rilldo's laughter reverberated through the chamber like a funeral dirge, its sinister tones filling the air with a suffocating dread. "Every flaw of yours has led to this moment, Vegeta," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "You are but a pawn in my game, a mere puppet dancing to my tune."

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