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3 days till the 2019 australian grand prix

STEPPING OUT OF THE TEAM building i could immediately hear my name being shouted from down the stairs. kaylea, my manager, walked in front of me to reach the reporters first, saying i only had time to answer a few questions.

i reached the bottom of the stairs and tipped my hat a bit higher in my head, readjusting for the bright sun of melbourne.

a microphone was placed in front of me, "lennox, how does it feel to be the first female f1 driver?"

i smiled to myself, "it's an honour, really. i remember when i was a little girl all i wanted to be growing up was an f1 driver but i never knew it could actually be open because there hadn't ever been any female representation in the sport. now that i am able to be here i see the world of motorsport opening up more opportunities for girls"

the microphone was pulled away and replaced by a new one, "lennox, what does it mean to you to be in the first lineup of a new team?"

kaylea brushed my arm and whispered to me, "last question then we've gotta go for the meeting"

i nodded before turning back to the reporter, "well it's been what, 3 years or something since the latest team was added?"

the reporter nodded to my question.

"so yeah, it's been a few years and i think a new team on the grid will allow for new competition and rivalries to form which is always entertaining," i couldn't help but laugh, knowing how much drama there already was between the other teams.

"but no, i do think that bringing a new team to the grid is going to be a positive thing. i also just feel so lucky and appreciative that i was one of the drivers who was chosen to be on the team"

i smiled to the reporters one last time before turning to kaylea. she reached her hand out to hold my arm and began guiding me towards where we would be having our meeting.

i was still in complete shock while walking down the rows of teams, the idea that i was now an f1 driver not having fully set in yet.

we came up to a much larger building where kaylea led me inside. upon looking around i saw my team principal, richard wilson, sporting the cadillac f1 team shirt.

he was standing next to my teammate, kimi raikkonen.

the meeting we were supposed to be attending was with all the drivers, team principals, and managers. it was a way for everyone to see each other (and for the newbies like myself - meet everyone) before the first race.

"there's the kid!" richards attention was pulled away from kimi when he saw me and kaylea walk over to them.

he held out his hand and i shook it, doing the same to kimi.

i had grown up watching kimi race, so being able to race with him was making my fan girling a bit of a tough thing to do. he was normally a very stoic person, not showing all that much emotion. however, it made me smile when i realized he liked having me as his teammate.

when we had first met a few months ago i thought he was going to think of me as just some little kid, but richard had been able to tell me what kimi had to saw about me after meeting. he said, and i quote, "she's like a little sibling - a little annoying at times but i love her"

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