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HOTEL BREAKFASTS ALWAYS HIT hard, i don't know why. maybe it's the fact that someone made it for me, or the fact that i don't have to clean up the dishes after i eat. or maybe it's that my mind has always associated hotel breakfasts with vacations; a.k.a no worries, no stress.

i think that's it.

so when we pulled into the parking lot of the paddock, the nerves began to pile on hard. the entire morning i knew what i was getting ready to go to and what my day would entail, but it was more of a background thought. halfway through the morning my thoughts had been overtaken by the smell of freshly-made buttermilk waffles.

kaylea noticed my spike in nerves, the car suddenly going quiet when my eyes had grazed over the sign that read "2019 Australian Grand Prix".

she reached over to grab my arm, running her thumb over the side of it softly, "hey, you're gonna be okay"

i turned to face her, needing a visual confirmation that she was being honest with her words.

"i'm going to be right by your side all day if you need anything"

i laughed slightly, "well not all day. i'd love to take you with me in the car if i could but that's like a really big health hazard"

her touched turned from one of comfort to one of annoyance, gently slapping my arm with the back of her fingers.

she wore a lot of rings, so it hurt a bit.

the car came to a stop and i let out a breath a didn't know i was holding. i sat back in my seat, needing a moment to relax before the chaos begun.

kaylea knew i did my best pep talks when i was alone, she she took my attempt at a relaxed state to exit the vehicle.

i watched as she leaned against the hood of the car and flipped her notebook open. it was comforting knowing she was still with me, even d she was just outside of the car.

today is your day. you are going to make today your bitch. you are not going to let your day make a bitch out of you. the bitches don't need the satisfaction of—

okay i think that's enough. if i don't stop now i don't think i'll be able to.

my hand rapidly opened the door, needing to get the chaos started before i could turn back and drive away from the circuit and never come back.

kaylea heard as i got out of the car and followed my quick pace, needing to jog slightly to catch up with me.

when she was able to walk at a controlled pace she spoke, using her manager voice when she noticed my overall attitude had changed, "from now until 9 you have breakfast and mental race prep, a quick workout till 9:30, then it's last minute check ins with the mechanics, lunch, interviews, then finally at 2 we begin warmups for quali which starts at 3"

i nodded along as she spoke, extremely glad i had someone who would take care of those kinds of things for me. i have a horrible memory when it comes to schedules.

approaching the front of the gates kaylea and i both pulled out our paddock passes, holding them up to the screens that would let us through.

they both beeped and the spinny metal bars came loose so we could push past them.

as we drew closer to the team building my nerves started to fade away. after actually starting the day and being at the circuit i had started to feel more at home and relaxed, as if i had done this kind of thing everyday.

i held the door open for kaylea, the two of us departing at the entrance. kaylea was going to check in with richard and the team while i was off to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast.

there were always menu's on the table that had a list of what food was prepared and what could be made, my eyes scanning it briefly before landing on french toast.

what can i say, i'm a sucker for syrup.

one of the caterers came up to me and took my order before leaving to go make it. i took a seat at the high top table they had and took out my phone.

i had many messages from my friends and family congratulating me and wishing me luck, but a good 70% of them all being from my mom.

i opened up her contact, scrolling all the way to the first message that read "if you die today i swear to god i'll bring you back to life just to kill you myself"

i laughed to myself, hearting the message before reading the others.

mama 🫶

if you die today i swear to god i'll bring you back to life just to jill you myself
there is no getting hurt today
you hear me missy?
i love you too much
i can't be left alone with your brothers and your father
they're too stinky and gross for only me
who am i going to call to get me out of your fathers flat earth theories???
definitely not you brothers
they're just as crazy as him
pls don't die today baby
mama needs you <3
also good luck today!!!
we'll be watching the race from the bar in town where they sell the little race cars
i'm going to get you one
okay i love you
good luck !!
don't fucking die !!

mama don't worry
i will be fine
could you get two of the cars for me? i want to give one to kaylea as well
thank you!!

yes i will
tell kaylea to answer her phone

i laughed at my mom's messages, being pulled away from my phone when kaylea placed her bag on the chair in between us, taking a seat in the one across from me.

"what's so funny?" she smiled, liking seeing me happy on a day like today.

"my mom wants you to answer your phone"

she raised her eyebrow as she took her phone out of her pocket. i watched as she scrolled, finding it amusing how she probably got more texts than i did.

i could see the smile form on her face as she read the messages, her head turning to the caterer who had approached the table with my french toast.

"would you like anything, mrs williams?"

she didn't need to look at the menu, "just a coffee, thank you"

the caterer nodded and headed back to the kitchen and i began cutting into my food.

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