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I SAT ON A CHAIR THAT WAS SET in front of a black backdrop, cameras and lights surrounding the front of it. netflix was filming this season for season two of drive to survive and i was being interviewed for the show today.

"just state your name and team, then we'll go from there with the questions"

i nodded at the woman who was sitting next to the camera, beginning to speak when she mouthed the camera was rolling.

"i am lennox vernon and i drive for cadillac racing"

it felt weird to say to formally. and sure, i had repeated it to myself thousands of times in the mirror when i had first signed my contract. but i wasn't alone. i was in a room with dozens of workers having those words be recorded, later to be broadcasted to millions of people browsing the platform.

the interviewer wasted no time in jumping into the questions, "with this being your rookie season not many formula one fans know much about you. what got you into the sport?"

i thought for a moment, "it started when i was 8 or 9 i think. originally it was my brother who was interested in racing but he kind of got bored of it after a few years. his kart and all of his racing stuff was just laying around and my parents were trying to sell it. one day i just hoped in and started driving around the block. i didn't realize anyone was watching, all i know is that when i got inside my dad had signed me up with my brother' old karting team and i booked off for practicing every weekend" i laughed at the story, remembering my unusual introduction to the hobby.

the interviewer laughed along with me before continuing, "not only are you nee to the grid this year but so is your team. what do you think other drivers think of cadillac joining the paddock?"

this question was one i had been prepped for the most by kaylea. she was oddly good at her job.

"for starters, i do think being a rookie on a team that isn't also a rookie would be a lot easier because then the team is already established in the paddock, but i think being on a rookie team can also have its benefits."

she nodded along with me.

"for example; if you are a rookie on a really good team everyone will be expecting at least an above average performance out of you. but on the other hand if you debut on a below average team then no one really expects anything from you at all."

i slightly threw my hands up, using them to display my competing thoughts, "at least when i'm starting my rookie season on a rookie team no one knows what the bar is exactly so in the chance that i do have a horrible debut," i laughed about it to lighten the words, "i won't be dragged as hard as i would if my team was already established as a good one"

the interviewer nodded, satisfied with the answers she's been provided.

"stemming from that answer; how is the team looking so far? we've already gone through free practices yesterday and quali is coming up later today so spectators have been able to see a bit of action"

i cleared my throat, at the same time seeing kaylea signal to me that this was the last question before we would be leaving.

"personally i think the team is as ready as we can be and in a pretty good position. i not only think we have a competitive car but everyone i work with has been an absolute pleasure working with so it really makes the entire experience more enjoyable overall."

it was quiet for a few seconds before the interviewer spoke up and started writing in her notebook, "that's it for today, thank you!"

i smiled and stood up from the chair, thanking the workers as i follows kaylea through the building and towards our own.

it was nearing 2 when we had finished with pre-quali interviews, allowing my team and i the perfect amount of time to prepare for the race.

all i needed to do was get a good time. i wasn't technically racing against anyone, but more so the clock.

i was sitting in the back room of the garage in front of a bunch of different light up circles. they would light up randomly between the colours of red and green to test my reaction time and focus.

i zoned into the colours, any pent up emotions surrounding quali now being on in the background of my mind.

kaylea's slightly thicker shoes could be heard on the floor, stopping just behind my chair. i couldn't make out exactly what was being said but i heard talking behind me.

it was a man's voice that responded to her, more specifically the one of my race trainer juan. next thing i knew i was being pulled away from my light game and was waiting as juan placed one of the neck strengthening bands on my head. he held onto the handle of it and let me know when he was going to pull, "three, two,"

i braced my neck and he began pulling. i could feel his strength build the more i resisted the motion, relaxing when he did.

we did this for a few more minutes, switching the force to be coming from all different directions to more thoroughly prepare.

"come on kid," juan patted my shoulders as he let me lead the way to the garage so we could get set up for quali, "let's make it rain"

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