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"WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?" they were the first words to leave my mouth when kaylea and i managed to make it back to my driver room.

"what do you mean?" she was playing innocent.

i deadpanned her as i started taking my racing suit off so i could shower, "oh, you know what"

she rolled her eyes playfully as she opened my closet and pulled out clothes for me to change into after, "i seriously have no idea what you're talking about"

i scoffed, "oh really? then what was all the weird looks for when i was talking to max? cause that did not look like nothing"

she closed the small closet, moving over to her bag which she left on the table and grabbing a few things out of it. she glanced up at me as i leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom, "please go shower, you're sweaty"

"only if you promise to tell me what that bullshit was about"

she laughed, "hahaha, bullshit! like red bull? cause max...drives for redbull.."

i liked the joke, but stayed quiet. i didn't want her getting her way with this. she tossed her head side to side before agreeing, "fine. but after you shower, you stink"

i smiled as i headed into the bathroom with my towel, already having a faint idea as to how kaylea was going to explain the interaction to me.

"and yes, maybe the thought of you finding the love of your life in the paddock had invaded my mind a little too strongly, but i have my reasons!"

kaylea and i were sat on the floor of my driver room as she explained the situation. my back was leaned up against the end of the couch and she was laying on the ground next to me, having only done so after changing into her "lay around clothes".

my eyes widened when she explained herself. i knew it would be something like this but i at least expected her to have a bit more of a story than that.

"and these reasons are...?"

she rolled her eyes, "well... mainly reason, singular — BUT, after today there's reasons, plural"

"girl just tell me the fucking reasons, i don't need to know each of their origin stories" i held the bridge of my nose and dipped my head slightly. she laughed, lightly slapping my leg with her hand so i would stop my disappointment act.

"okay, okay!" her voice quickly went from one of amusement to one of a quieter staleness, "i've known max for years — and could say, in a way, i watched him become who he is today. over the years of getting to know him and his personality i just can't help but in the back of my mind think, 'oh this boy is perfect for little lenny! he's so sweet and kind, just like how lenny describes her dream prince'"

i listened more carefully as she spoke, grimacing momentarily when she mentioned my type in a boyfriend.

"and before you can mention the 'age difference' — but even then it's only 3 years and you're basically 18–ouch"

i flicked the side of her head to get her back on track. she glared at me before continuing, "my point is, all of the years i've spent knowing each of you i can clearly see that he is what you need in your life."

i was going to protest, but was stopped before i could even open my mouth, "i don't want to hear it. i don't care if it's romantically or not — you two would be good for each other. even just as friends"

i exhaled, standing up and grabbing my bag from the couch, "would you look at the time? sure is getting late"

i could hear her scoff as she too stiff up from the floor and followed me out the door to the parking lot.

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