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LACING UP MY RACE BOOTS CAME much quicker than i would've expected. one minute i had bene running back to the team building for a much needed early lunch, the next minute i'm suiting up in the paddock about to take my "first steps" at a grand prix weekend.

the cadillac race suits were red and black to match the chassis, with small gold and royal blue embellishments scattered around it. my number, 77, was displayed on the right arm of the suit just below the cadillac logo.

kaylea was standing next to me in the paddock as i got ready, helping with the finer details she wanted to make sure were correct for my first official laps. she helped me tuck any stray hairs that fell out of my braids before letting me put my balaclava over my head.

she had been whispering to herself. she wouldn't admit it out loud to me, but she was extremely worried about my wellbeing in the track.

she handed me my helmet and gave me one last firm look, hands on my shoulders, "today is not about performance. today is about getting used to it. if i see or hear anything about you being too tough on yourself today i will tell your mom"

something kaylea had over me that made me more comfortable around her was that she was my babysitter growing up. almost like a big sister. anytime she needed to get something to stick in my head as more than just one of her ideas she would bring my mom into it, knowing how much of a mommas girl i am.

i rolled my eyes slightly as i laughed, patting her hands, "i'm going to be fine"

i headed over to the main part of the paddock where my car was and double checked that my water tube was connected to my seat before getting up on top of the car and sitting down in the seat with the help of kaylea.

she triple checked the water tube and all the other details of the car with my mechanic before they gave richard the A.O.K.

i was handed my steering wheel and connected it to the vehicle.

"radio check, lennox?"

"loud and clear, richie" i used the nickname he hated and could hear him laugh annoyingly from the other end of the radio. i turned my attention to across the pit lane to see him looking over at me, which made me laugh even more.

"okay kid, whenever you're ready"

i could feel the engine of my car start and it was given a push out into the pit lane by my mechanics. checking my rear view mirrors i could see mimi's car being sent out to the pit lane just behind mine.

"now take it easy, all today is is just a practice for you to get the feel of the car down. any concerns or adjustments just let me know and we'll pit"

i nodded, forgetting for a moment that they couldn't see me, "yep"

exiting the pit lane and coming onto the actual track everything started to feel more and more real. it was finally dawning on all of me that i had made it.

i pressed down on the accelerator and felt the chassis move faster across the track, laughing to myself at how amazing it felt.

"this. is. amazing."

"how's it feel so far, vernon?" he used my last name, something i was realizing was going to become more commonly used than my first name.

i pressed the radio button on my steering wheel, "like a beauty!"

i let go of the button and turned my attention back towards the track, bringing the speed of my car up to see what i was working with.

coming up on a straight i did all i could to get the most out of the car, making a mental note to thank kaylea for all of the extra prep she had me do to prepare for the g's i'd be experiencing in such faster cars.

i did a few more laps before heading from the team again, "we're gonna try moving your seat back a bit to give you some more room, box when you can"

i replied "okay" in return, only noticing that the change in position could be beneficial when the idea was brought up. the f2 cars i was used to for so long we're a bit smaller than the f1 cars, so that meant the seating positions would be a bit off from what i was used to.

entering the pit lane i slowed down and parked in the garage, taking the steering wheel off the chassis before stepping up from the seat and jumping onto the area beside the car.

i took my helmet off and was approached by kaylea, "has it hit you yet?"

i nodded vigorously, "yes, definitely!"

she laughed, "it'll do that to you. can't tell you the amount of times i've watched a kid rank up and take it out for a spin for the first real time and everything just feels so really all of the sudden for them"

she looked around the garage before back to me, "you'll get used to it though. even though it's a sight to see, you'll get used to it"

she pat my back and pointed to the car, signalling to me that they had moved my seat and were ready for me to get back in.

i put my helmet back on and got back in the car, reattaching my steering wheel before the engine started again and i was being pushed back out to the pit lane.

the difference the change in seat made only became noticeable when i had sped up, corners being much easier to take than before.

i held down my communication button, "this is much better. before it felt like i was trying to hold myself in the centre of the seat but now i just have to focus on driving"

"good, that's what we like to hear. on the next straight i want you to push it"

"copy that" i let go of the button and made the next few turns before the straight, accelerating as much as i could before having to turn.

"that was faster than last lap, good job"

i thanked the team before continuing a few more laps to get used to the circuit i'd be racing on this weekend, returning to the paddock with a wide grin.

upon returning to the garage and exiting the chassis richard walked over to me, asking a few questions about the car as we made our way to sit down. kimi joined us, having finished his practice a bit sooner than me.

the two of them sparked a conversation, briefly stopping to thank the caterer who brought a plate of food over to the table.

kaylea sat across from me and pulled out her ipad to show me the specs of my laps, "you can clearly see the overall increase in speed and ease of performance in the car after we switched your seat"

i nodded along to the sections of the chart she was showing me as i took one of the sandwiches from the plate, opening its wrapper and beginning to eat.

how are we liking lennox so far?

also please don't be a silent reader 🥺 so many of my books go without comments but i absolutely love reading the ones i do get <3<3

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