1 ( Alt title : Pearl learns about gay )

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Steven: Toomanymoms
Garnet: Squaremom
Amethyst: Theshortone
Pearl: Gaygem
Peridot: Nerd
Lapis: Waterwitch
Connie: Swordgirl

Toomanymoms: Hey guys!

Gaygem: What is this Steven?

Toomanymoms: Oh, it's a group chat! Peridot helped me make it!

Nerd: It was very simple. Steven's technological aptitude is astoundingly low.

Toomanymoms: Hey! :(

Nerd: My apologies, I am still trying to figure out this " manners " thing.

Squaremom: It takes time Peridot. You are doing well.

Theshortone: Yo, whats goin on

Gaygem: Steven and Peridot have made a sort of group communication via messages.

Theshortone: Yo! This a group chat?! Hell yea steven ive always wanted to be in one of these!

Toomanymoms: Well now you get to be in one! We can all talk to eachother at the same time! Isnt this awesome!?

Gaygem: Well I suppose it is practical.

Gaygem: Wait, why is my name "Gaygem"?

Toomanymoms: Peridot picked the names, sorry.

Waterwitch: Haha, sweet.

Theshortone: Wait why did lapis get a cool one?

Nerd: Because she is objectively the coolest.

Squaremom: Hm.

Waterwitch: Thanks Peri ;)

Nerd: Yes. You are welcome.

Gaygem: What does my user even mean peridot?

Nerd: Gay gem. You are a gay gem.

Gaygem: What does gay mean?

Nerd: Oh. Really? Are you being serious right now?

Gaygem: ...

Waterwitch: I'd say glass closet syndrome exept shes out and the closet is completely invisible.

Nerd: HAH!
Nerd: Good one Lazuli.

Gaygem: What do closets have to do with anything? What's going on here?

Nerd: Gay means you are attracted to individuals of the same gender.

Gaygem: Oh. Like Rose?

Squaremom: Not exactly. Rose was attracted to men and women, making her a multisexual.

Gaygem: Like Connie?

Theshortone: Wait, what!?

Gaygem: I thought she said something like that.

Toomanymoms: Wait, Im going to add her.

Swordgirl has been added to the group chat

Swordgirl: Whats this?

Toomanymoms: A group chat!!

Swordgirl: Cool!

Gaygem: Connie, you said something before about liking men and women right?

Swordgirl: Oh, um, yea.
Swordgirl: I guess nows the time to say it.
Swordgirl: Im bisexual.

Toomanymoms: OH EM GEE THATS SO COOL!!!

Swordgirl: Thanks 😊

Squaremom: congradulations Connie.

Gaygem: Wait so what's gay then? If multipule is bisexual then what's the difference.

Swordgirl: Oh. Gay means you are only attracted to those who are not the oppisite gender.
Swordgirl: Like a boy who likes boys but not girls.

Gaygem: Oh. Thank you Connie.

Gaygem: I guess that means I'm gay then.

Theshortone: Well, i mean, who here isnt

Nerd: Well actually I am asexual.

Waterwitch: So am i! Asexual lesbian!

Gaygem: What's a lesbian?

Toomanymoms: A girl who likes girls and not guys.

Gaygem: Oh.

Gaygem has changed their name to Lesbiangem

Theshortone: Hah! Cute.

Lesbiangem: Wait, then what is Garnet?

Squaremom: Garnet.

Lesbiangem: Oh, ok.

Theshortone: Imalsolesbian

Theshortone: Just so yknow or whatever.

Toomanymoms: And im pan!
Toomanymoms: Pan asexual 😊

Waterwitch: Welcome to the ace gang.

Lesbiangem: Not to sound like a broken record but, Pan?

Toomanymoms: Oh, it means I like everyone regardless of gender. As opposed to bisexuals like Connie, who may have a preference or use gender to equate attraction.

Lesbiangem: You always were so kind and friendly to everyone. I'm sure you will find someone in no time!

Toomanymoms: Haha, yeah.

Lesbiangem: Goodness knows your mom was very good at that.

Lesbiangem: Uh, sorry what I meant to say was lots of people liked her.
Lesbiangem: And she liked a lot of people.

Theshortone: You alright P?

Lesbiangem: Yes, thank you Amethyst.

Lesbiangem: You know the more I think about it the more I feel like most gems would be lesbians.
Lesbiangem: I mean there are no male gems, few gems even end up encountering another lifeform that is male.

Theshortone: Hmm you might be right.
Theshortone: Plus boys are just a waste of time.
Squaremom: And they're gross.
Lesbiangem: Agreed.

I know I usually do Marvel stuff but, ive recently become obsessed with steven universe.
Let me know what yall think.

- Gay peice of shit

P.S. I do not own any of these characters, the show and characters belong to Rebecca Sugar.

Steven Universe Group Chat ( Warning, Very Gay )Where stories live. Discover now