2 ( Alt Title : Blue )

27 3 5

Barn mates

Peri - Peridot
Laz - Lapis

Laz: I hear angry Peridot noises, are you ok?

Peri: Why yes Lapis I am fairing normally, quite well in fact, how are you?

Laz: I can still hear you screaming.

Peri: Perhaps there's water in your ears? I dont know what you're talking about.

Laz: I am hydrokenetic.

Peri: And I am green.

Laz: Peri, what's going on?

Peri: Fine, I was thinking about you

Peri: And then I was thinking about what it might be like to be you.

Laz: I dont know wether to be touched by the thought or insulted by the screaming.

Peri: So i conducted an experiment

Laz: And...?

Peri: So I jumped into a vat of blue paint.

Laz: What.

Peri: It burns.

Laz: Holy fuck peridot why?

Peri: :(((

Laz: Ok let's get you cleaned up then

Peri: I'm so sorry

Laz: Its alright, its cute.

Peri: No I'm sorry for you

Laz: Why?

Peri: It must really hurt being blue all the time.


The Pearls

Pideon- yellow pearl
Bangs- blue pearl
:) - vollyball
Arrowhead - og pearl

Arrowhead: How are you all doing back on homeworld?

Pidgeon: Good.
Bangs: I'm okay.

:) : My emotions are irrelevent :)

Arrowhead: Ooookay

Arrowhead: Well things are going pretty well here!

Pidgeon: Well that's nice.

Arrowhead:.... Yea

Pidgeon: Blue is currently painting me

Arrowhead: Oh! That's so cool!

Bangs: Yellow looks very nice in it.

Pidgeon: Well that's only because you're painting me.
Pidgeon: I get to be dating the best artist in the universe.

Bangs: :)

Bangs: Well I get to date the best subject in the universe

Arrowhead: Awwww

:) : One of these days when you two kiss I wont be the only pearl with one eye :)

Pidgeon: ...

Bangs: Oh

Arrowhead: Hm.



Garnet - Garnet

Garnet: Garnet
Garnet: :)


Partners in crime

Vidalia - Vid
Amethyst - Methy

Methy: Hey viddy

Vid: Whats up?

Methy: Im borrrred

Vid: Mhm?

Methy: Also feelin weirddd

Vid: Have you been checking experation dates?

Methy: Hah! I dont think its that.

Vid: So what do you think it is then?

Methy: You ever see someone and suddenly all you can think about is that person?

Vid: Yea, I can get deep into conversations about peoples lives.

Methy: For like 3 hours after you see them?

Methy: And like your stomach gets all fluttery and you just want to hug them till they poof?

Vid: Meth, do you have a crush?

Methy: What? No!
Methy: Well i dont think.
Methy: Prolly not.
Methy: Well maybe but like
Methy: Just a little
Methy: Little bit big
Methy: Huge crush
Methy: Oh shit.

Methy: Stop it, i can feel your grin through my phone

Vid: Well, who is it?
Vid: Who has you so whipped that you want to hug them to death?

Methy: Not to death!
Methy: Id never hurt her.

Vid: Mhm

Methy: Well its uh
Methy: Oh fuck, you cant tell anyone ok?

Vid: Mhm, now spill it.

Methy: Pearl
Methy: Its Pearl.

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