Chapter 6

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Season 1 Episode 6 

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Season 1 Episode 6 

Mahira POV

I just marched straight into her office. I didn't knocked, because if I did. I would dash back to my office in the little moment it took her to reply. My sight led directly to her presence in the office chair. She glanced up, her stoned face penetrating my body with her intense stare.

"I had been expecting you."

But my eyes widen taking in the familiar face, of the thug that booted me out of her pent house.

"What are you doing here?!" I snarled and slammed the door shut behind me. I rapidly approached each blind, zipping them shut as if to keep my secrets hidden.

Everyone knows I was a slut who slept with every woman in Los Angeles. But no one knows I had sex with her.

"I work here. As your superior. I had been longing to meet you. Although I've met you in more personal settings." She tsks. She tosses her pen on the desk. She sat back in her black office chair and clasped her fingers together. I was surprised that she did not appear surprised that we had just slept together the night before. Did she know it was me back then?

"You were a fucking bitch!"

"I have no remorse about kicking you out. I overheard a few conversations around the table. Some words have reached my ears, that you Mahira Apis is a slut." Her tone conveyed little to no emotion. She appeared nearly lifeless on the inside. I wouldn't say it looks well on her.

"So." I answered without much thought. My eyes glared at her. I've had my reasons for sleeping around. Did she have a justification for throwing out a female with thick sperms in her hair?

"A proud one, too." She chuckled. I couldn't help but look her over. Well, I was too busy slobbering her down the other night to fully take in her lucid appearance.

"I really don't care. I want you to get off this floor. Go slid across another floor. I want my money back." I have nothing against her wanting to be like my father. But this floor has been mine since my brother and I pleaded for a spot at this corporation.

"The money I was holding in my hands. Your paycheck, your little salary, is now in my hands." She clarified what I was aware of.

"My father owns this corporation." I had no plan for this debate, and she was plainly pounding my ass with her choice of words, stone-cold stares, and unemotional manner. I was really just a foolish girl, fallen beneath her feet.

I felt like I wasn't a floor manager, but rather an ordinary employee, with my heart in my mouth, not wanting to lose my job. However, my money is what worries me more than my position or work. Valentine's Day was almost here. The way Los Angeles residents adorned the area with Valentine-themed décor. It seemed like my vacation had already ended.

"I understand. I researched the history of this firm. Qays Apis, CEO for over 35 years, keeps the company going strong. There is, however, a vulnerability in this corporation someplace. That vulnerability is this floor, and he knows it, which is why I'm here." So what if a small digit disappeared from the corporation account? It's not like it made a dent in the account wall.

"You're just here to control." It was true, she had a taste of power and had already stripped the whole floor of its personnel. I could see all the vacant cubicles from the corner of my eyes as I walked to her office.

"Call it whatever you want. Things will steadily shift and you are either working with me or against me."

"Against." I scowled. Her chilly beauty was bestowed to me. She shows no signs of backing down. "Very right, leave my office and return when you've decided we should work together." She demanded loudly, as if she were the ruler around here.

"Fuck you! I do not take commands from you."

"Well you do now. So get accustomed to it!" Her reply was solemn.


I felt compelled to plunge my eyeballs out of their sockets since the entire structure was nearly completely covered with Valentine-themed decorations. What the heck was going on? I didn't recall any decorations being up last year. It was simply one day of sending bogus letters to your sweetheart and buying cheap chocolate at the dollar shop.

"Did you muster the confidence to confront her? She wasn't that bad, right?" Legend poked my side, smiling at Luca.

"Whatever." I grumbled, grumpily, as I nibbled into my badly prepared sandwich. I was not going to tell them that I slept with her. It was not a secret, but I saw no reason to discuss my sex life with my brothers. I consider them my best friends, yet I refuse to tell them what happened in a random stranger's bedroom.

"I do not want her on my floor."

"It's already done. She's already established into that role."

"Well then, daddy can give me another floor." I was convinced there were floors with simply a supervisor and needs a manager.

"Just work with her, and you'll see how well things go." Luca stated.

"We are family, and she is a stranger. How did she obtain control of the digits?"

"Well, father and her family are close and trusting. Why do you believe she obtains such a high position in such a short period of time? Plus, she went to school for it."

My mouth hung open, offended. "We were trained." Sure, we didn't go to university and complete the entire management degree. But we were taught in it by specialists who had worked with the organization for decades.

"I don't want her on my floor." I pressed.

"The only option is to talk to Mom; you know how she usually disagrees with Dad and whatever he does." Legend stated, from the tip of his mouth.

A lightbulb goes off in my mind. How come I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps it was because everyone is always thinking for me.

"But don't talk to mom at supper. You are aware that no business is addressed at dinner." Luca stated. I rolled my eyes. It was the most violated rule during dinner. Because practically everyone discusses something related to business.

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