Chapter 30

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Season 1 Episode 30

Mahira POV


"I don't know Tali; it's like Rory simply went." I whispered as I scanned the closet and saw her side vacant. I was trying not to worry, but I could feel it creeping up on me, from the tips of my toes to the tips of my fingers.

"Did you guys argue last night?" She inquired, her voice wavering across the phone. "Or are you fooling with me?" She chuckled.

"Come see for yourself, you son of a bitch." I snarled as I saw all of her shoes cleared out. "I took her out to her graduation supper, and when we returned, we fucked all night. Does that seem like we argued?"

"Did you call her?"

"About 50 times." That was the first thing I did after opening the closet for the tenth time and finding her side empty. Did she return to Maryland? Did she want some space? I blew out an anxious sigh; it was the one that couldn't pass through your nose correctly, so you took it through your lips.

"I've got work. I would want to board the first airline and fly to Maryland to see whether she was at her parents' house, but work comes first." I murmured.

"What if she was kidnapped?" Tali hypothesized.

"The house would be a disaster, you moron. Some ransom call would be made, already." It appeared like she had been gone for hours.

I always leave work during my lunch break to meet her at our usual spot or at home.

"The house is empty. What could I possibly do to get her to pack up and leave?" I asked myself. Everything was well between us. Lake was no more. We started talking about the future, and I didn't feel as blind anymore.

"She probably needs space." Tali explained.

"She could have told me that. But piling up everything in sight does not appear to indicate a desire for room." I immediately want to break down and cry.

"Just wait till she calls. She'll call. Anywhere she is."



Flashback continues.

"Xia, if any, and I mean anyone. It may be my father; tell them I am at my office." I breathed heavily as I instructed. I was slowly losing my sanity. Losing my soul. Loosing my breath. Loosing my everything.

"Is there something wrong?" What..."

"Just do it, Xia. Please." I sighed, hobbling away from the girl; my walk to work felt like a six-mile race, as my limbs felt heavy and languid. It seemed like a piece of me was slowly being torn apart. She had to bring that piece with her wherever she went, and I won't be able to feel complete until she returns.

I sat on my chair, which felt like sitting on a pile of needles. I clutched my phone in my hand, hesitant to call, yet a part of me was afraid she wouldn't answer, but my heart told me she may. I needed to know that she would absolutely pick up, as she always does.

I was going through my mind, trying to figure out whether we had gone wrong someplace recently and I was simply too blind to see. She stopped seeing Lake some months ago. We did not argue. I did accept the fact that she cheated on me. But I worried if she hadn't actually broken up with Lake.

My phone rang, and I switched it over, hoping to see Rory's caller ID. But it was actually a foreign number. Not many people know my phone number.

My brow wrinkled as I tried to recall to whom I had given my phone number. I sighed in response.

"Hello." I muttered, shakily.

"Hey, what's up." The casual voice came.

My brow wrinkled as I heard Lake's voice. I growled. "What do you want?"

She giggled, "I don't want anything; I have everything I've ever wanted."

"Okay, so why are you phoning to tell me this?"

"To tell you the truth, I have everything I've ever wanted, and something you've always desired."

Something I'd always desired.

"Rory wants to speak to you."

I knew she was grinning because I could feel it over the phone. "Rory hasn't spoken to you since November, when you pushed yourself on her." As tears streamed down my cheeks, I returned my gaze to the door, which was now locked. My eyes are staring back out onto the darkened city. I had spent the entire day in this chair, waiting for her call.

"Rory and I have been doing the exact opposite since then."

"Give me the phone?" Rory voice spoke. My eyes expand. Was this real?

"Hey." Rory's voice arrived.

"Where are you, Rory? Is this a prank?"


"No? So what the heck is going on. Please come home." I began sobbing.

"I can't. You're no longer my home, Mahira. I am sorry."

My eyes widened as I heard the phone line go silent in my ears. I dialed the number, but it went directly to voicemail. What have I ever done?

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