Chapter 31

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Not sure who knows this song by coldplay viva la vida, it have nothing to do with the book or chapter. just want to know if you guys know that song and please sing the lyric in the comments .....pleaseeeeeeeee 

Season 1 Episode 31

Mahira POV

"I don't want anything to do with this lousy Valentine's Day nonsense." I spoke to Angelo.

"Well, everyone needs to do something to contribute to the celebration."

"Call off the party; people won't see you any differently." Did she believe that having a floor party would make everyone warm up to her? The initial impression she made was scaring everyone, sending them rushing about like headless chickens, spouting blood.

"I won't. You know I won't." She began to place her laptop in her backpack. She then started putting away some files in the previously open cabinet.

"I don't see why you hate me." I gritted. "But since you arrived, my life has gone wild."

"Hate you?" This is not hate. This is simply your unwillingness to participate in your own firm."

"Do not influence me into feeling awful." I spat. "Just remove my fucking name off the list. I will not do it, and you cannot compel me to do so."

"Have you ever been spanked before, Mahira? Maybe with a cane in the ass. Because it appeared that you had not grown up with enough discipline, you went around without obeying commands. If I tell you to put up the fucking decorations and clean the workplace like a janitor, you will do it."

"I will not come. I'll stay home."

"You won't have any money to spend this month. You won't be compensated."

"That's crap." I stomped up to her, dipping my toes, and confronted her. "You have already removed $80,000 from my paycheck. What else do you want?"

"I want you..." She grinned. I gasped. She wants me?

"Stop being a bitch." She muttered and pushed by me, her laptop bag in hand.

"Come on, let's go!" She waved me out of the office.

"Nope," I said.

She lifted her eyebrow. "Get out of the office so I can secure it for the night. Do you want to sleep in here?"

"I am not leaving this spot until you remove my name from the list."

I had no idea why she was making such a huge fuss. I do not wish to participate in the celebration. I want my money so that I may go on vacation.

"You know I will not do it. Now I'm fucking weary, so let's go.

"Take my name off."

"Fine." She said. Yes! I eventually yelled in my brain, "I won!" But I trembled when I heard the door slam shut and the locks click. I gasped and ran to the door, pushing my face against the glass panel. My palm smacked against the door and jiggled the doorknob. "Open the fucking door!"

She grinned, dangling the key in front of my eyes.

"You fuckin' handicap shit. You shitbag. You piece of shit! You cunt! Open the damn door!" I started kicking at the wooden door.

"I think you should stay here and reflect on your actions. You are in timeout for the remainder of the night."

"You left me here, and I contacted my father to report you." I proceeded to beat on the door.

"Go and inform him." She ridiculed. I watched as she put the keys into her pocket and, with a wave of her hand, turned away from the door.

"You, son of a bitch. I'm not playing! Open the fucking door." I roared with wrath.


I strolled inside the office for two hours without stopping. By the third hour, I understood that this little shit was probably not coming back, so she had left me to sleep in this fucking office.

I decided to call my father; perhaps he was still in the building. I know he'll blame me for this, so I decided against phoning him. But I still give it a go.

"Dad!" When he responded, I called out. He'd best get on my side for this one. Are you in your office?


"Your favorite daughter or son. Whatever the fuck she is to you, lock me up in the office!"

"Angelo?" he questioned.

"Yes, that disability crap face."

"What have you done?" He inquired in an accusatory tone. What have I done? Shouldn't he have inquired what she did? She was the one who locked me up. at the following few seconds, I felt like I was going to get into trouble, and I should have simply gone to sleep. I have done this before. It was not the most pleasant thing. But it wasn't all awful.

I snarled, nearly forgetting that a worthless was on the line. I swear if he hadn't been my father, I would have choked the old bastard already.

"She wants me to tidy the workplace for this silly Valentine's Party." I explained. "I'm not a damn janitor."

He groaned, "She imposed a responsibility; all you have to do is comply with it."

"Shu—" I took a breath. "Just get one of the security officers to unlock the stupid door." I scoffed. I don't have time to listen to his BS.

"I'll summon one of the guards, but I want you to stay in there for another two hours."

"What!" My jaw promptly decreased to the floor.

"You need to learn your lesson."

I came to a stop in my tracks, marveling at her spotlessly clean workspace. "Lesson, huh?" I smirked. "Yes, papa, I deserve to learn my lesson, and I will stay at the extra for two hours."

I'll spend two hours tearing away her work space. I grinned.

"Good. It's for you—" I hung up the telephone. I turn on the light. I walked back and forth around her office, rubbing my hands together. I gave out a loud laugh. This was going to be entertaining.

I searched through my purse until I discovered my small pocket blade. I purchased it because the handle was embellished with beautiful Rhine stones and sparkle. I suppose I adore shiny things, and now my shiny things were going to ruin everything. I began stabbing at her desk; the blade did not penetrate far, but it did leave a splint. I repeated it many times before transferring to the chair.

Which I ripped till the white cotton started falling out. I then pulled up her drawers and threw her belongings and papers all over her area. I was about to tear them too, but it might be critical to the firm.

I could hear the security guard's lips whistling and the keys jingling as he fished through them to open the door. I hurried over to the the light and turned it off. I waited at the entrance, grinning widely.

"Hello." He called. I didn't provide an answer. I just continued to stare and wait. He flinched as he opened the door and saw my insane state.

"Jesus." He murmured.

"Thank you for unlocking the door." I remarked, exiting and slamming the door behind me. He relocked it, and I took a deep breath, knowing he hadn't examined the office.

"Do you suppose I could acquire a duplicate of that key, Sir?"

"Uh? I'm not authorized..."

"My father owns this corporation. I'd like everyone to quit treating me as a regular. Give me a Fuckin' Copy. I want it by tomorrow, and if I don't receive it, I'll tell my father that you touched me."

His eyes widened. I smirked and strutted away.

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