Chapter 14

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Season 1 Episode 14

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Season 1 Episode 14

Mahira POV

I didn't make it into my office until after two hours at the seafood restaurant, idling on my phone and avoiding her calls and texts. I, too, was a manager, just like her. Just as she can waltz in whenever she wants, so can I. Plus, I wasn't really accomplishing anything.

When I opened my laptop, it instantly displayed the incomplete report. I started reading where I last was. But nothing was clicking for me. Angelo may have been pulling a practical joke on me because the files seemed like a nil project.

I believed a full stomach would help me concentrate, complete, or simply write three lines on the paper, but I ended up being lethargic. My eyelids were heavy and my body felt sluggish.

As much as it would be lovely for my pussy to have her cock, tonight I want to have my fill of whiskey and forget about everything. These recollections of Rory were only going to become stronger as the anniversary of when we first started dating.

I can't wait to meet her and tell her what a coward she was and how my feelings for her have grown stronger, despite what she had done.

"Hi, Mahira. Ms. Angelo wants to see you in her office right now. Not later. Now."

I glared at the brown-haired girl. "Boss instructions; sorry."

"I too am a boss."

She shrugged again and clumsily started walking away. I picked up my laptop and dragged myself to her office. I wanted to convey the appearance that I was working. I hope she does not recollect where I last left the report's words. She assisted me nearly half of the time last night. I simply couldn't think on my own. I was used to paying someone to write and edit it for me.

I was now in the habit of barging into her office without knocking.

If I don't feel happy around her, neither does she. Her annoyed expression confirmed that intruding on her private was worthwhile for me.

"I want you to take a seat. Your ears opened very widely, when I said this all."

I groaned and sat down in the chair, setting my laptop on the edge of her vacant desk. Was she done working for the day?

"Do you know the work policy?" She inquired, going into the desk drawer and pulling out what I believe to be the policy book. I moaned, wishing to vanish in thin air. I was already attending a lesson that I quite enjoyed. Angelo's lecture is something I know I won't appreciate.

"Everyone knows the book." I replied. I assumed high school and college had the most restrictions, but it turns out it was the workplace. Essentially, if you slip, you fucking slide.

"Do you know the book?" She emphasized the question.

"Yes, why?" I folded my arms over my breasts. I wasn't up for this. I wanted to complete this darn paper, but this wasn't helping.

"I'm glad you do." She grinned. I winced because, for some reason, her little smile irritated me. Everything she did, save for fucking me, was irritating. She started skipping through the book. "Ah, yeah." Her eyes expand, her fingertips pushed against the white pages, and she reads beneath her breath.

"What is it?" I inquired impatiently. "I've got a report to write, you know."

"We will shortly get to that." She murmured as she carefully slid the book over the pine wood desk. "Please read this." She spoke respectfully. I snatched the book from her, curious what she was talking about.

The strong topic at the top of the book made me both laugh and groan.

"So what if I have a two-hour lunch instead of one?" I replied, slamming the heavy booklet close. I want to throw it out the window, which was behind her. "I, too, am a boss. I can come in whenever I want."

"You must not."

"Oh, but you may take your time getting to work? What are you doing for so long every day that you have to come in late?"

"I meet up with your father over brunch, along with other shareholders."

"What?! How come? I didn't know about this brunch. Why wasn't I invited to this brunch? Perhaps my visit at the club will have to be canceled because I was heading straight to see my father. I was a member of the shareholder group, and I was expected to attend any breakfast or function.

"With your shirt stained with sauce from God knows what, I'm sure you weren't at brunch. You were only trying to spite me."

"And I won." I smirked.

She laughed. However, there was an air of humor about it that was not intended for everyone to share. Instead, proceed with caution. "Win?" She questioned. She groped for the cane. "Let's just hope you completed that, report, because guess what?" She groaned as she got out of her chair and approached the cabinet. It was a tall cabinet constructed of oak wood, with glass panels. She opened it, displaying the several stacked folders. I watched as she picked up at least five large folders. She stepped back over and dumped the noticeably thick folders in front of me.

"What is this?" I inquired, peeling back the tiny folder to show a page with too many words, that my eyes appeared to be dazzled.

"Well, each of these files is about the company's project, business, and portfolio. So you'll be writing both a business and a progress report for each."

"What the fuck? How am I expected to do that?" I stated as I began skimming through the countless documents in just one of the folders.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't taken a two-hour lunch break, you might have found out sooner."

"My inquiry is still unanswered. How am I meant to write about development on a project I'm not familiar with?"

"Come on, you are the floor manager, right? You are meant to be aware of every project that travels through this level."

"You just can't stand the fact that I ignore your disgusting texts and calls."

"Me? I was only looking out for you, Ms. Apis."

"I don't give a damn. I'm paying someone to complete these." I mentioned taking up the folders. I grumbled, feeling the weight of the paper.

"No, you are not. Because we will now be sharing an office. That is, until I can trust you."

My hand dropped the folder with a thump on the floor. "What did you say?"

She moved closer, leaning on her cane. "We will be sharing an office. Your father said it was a fantastic idea. So by tomorrow, there will be a desk just over there." She pointed at an empty area. I could already see myself staring at her stupid gorgeous face.

My teeth bared.

"Listen to me, handicapped—" I took a breath. This was it. It was perfect. Because the closer we are. The closest I came to maybe touching a string in her heart. "I mean, I'd love to be in this new office with you." My fingertips moved across her tightly built body. She securely grasped my hand, blocking me from approaching her box, like jawline. I was determined to ruin her one way or another.

"I can promise you, Ms. Apis. I am not the geeks you are flirting with."

"You're not. However, they are a hindrance. So yes, quite different." She pulled me closer to her.

"I didn't remember, fucking you like a handicap." Her finger coils around my neck, and she pulls my face closer to her. "Do not make me your enemy."

I was far from making her an enemy. My lips puckered. "Oh, I wouldn't." My hand moves back to her body. "I just find you intriguing, and I can't wait to be around you." I muttered, forcing back every ounce of contempt, disdain, and aggravation I felt for her. If I want it to function. Loving her is the solution.

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