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Lucifer yawned as he layed sprawled out on his and Alastors shared bed, laying on his stomach as he held his phone in the air as he typed away on it, texting whoever. "Lucifer-" a voice said, but lucifer was too zoned in on what he was doing to pay any attention.




"my majesty?"



"you little--"

the person kept repeated like desperate for attention till he felt a slap on the back of his head, "Ack! what the fuck?" Lucifer said as he dropped his phone onto his own face, groaning as he pushed it off and sat up, sitting up and glaring at alastor. "Great! i have your attention!" Alastor smiled as he clasped his own hands together. "I did tell you, those devices are rotting your brain, my love." Alastor said, gesturing a hand to the phone.

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, old man." lucifer said as a smirk formed on his lips. "Oh- did you need something? seems you needed my attention very badly." Lucifer said as he sat up properly and scooted to sit on the edge of the bed, alastor standing in front of him but that changed once alastor sat closely besides him. "I have news." Alastor said vaguely. "oookay.. what kind of news? good or bad?" Lucifer questioned as he shifted a little to face him.

"Mm. I'd say its good." Alastor said, shrugging. "Alastor, your scaring me! tell me what it issss!" Lucifer said desperately, earning a chuckle from his husband (hehe). "Well- you know how much I've talked about my mother, yes?" Alastor questioned which Lucifer nodded with an unsure expression on his face. "I think i know where she is." Alastor said with a more excited smile.

"Wh- Thats amazing! where? do you wanna go see her?! I'd LOVE to meet her!" Lucifer smiled, extremely happy for alastor, as he has been searching for her for many many years. "Thats the thing. uh- she's not exactly here. like- down here. which is why i also came to you, my love." Alastor said, reffering to the fact he's pretty sure she's in heaven. like 99.9% sure.

"Oh- Oh. Uh. Heaven? You think she's in heaven?" Lucifer questioned. He isn't sure if he'll be able to help with that part. he'd hate to visit heaven. "I know shes in heaven. I've been searching for her for a century or two, nowhere to be seen. And plus, a darling she was. no way she would be here in the sinners home." Alastor sighed softly. "So- thats where i need your help, dear. to maybe..get up there." he said as he pointed a finger upwards, smiling nervously.

"No! No way, Alastor. i cant go up there. and you sure as hell cant go alone! Do you have any idea how fast it would go around if im seen up there? heaven is full of gossipers, y'know." Lucifer huffed and crossed his arms. Alastor groaned, "Lucifer, please. i understand, really i do. But..i need to see her. i haven't seen her in so long, im almost starting to forget how she looks." Alastor said, taking his lovers hands into his own.

Lucifer glared at him for a moment, before sighing, his expression softening. "I- i can see what i can do. And when we get to heaven, you'll know where to go, yes?" lucifer asked and alastor nodded. "Of course." he said and smiled widely, "Lucifer, you have no idea how much this means to me. I love you so much, you know that?" Alastor said as he cupped his cheek. "Yeah yeah. i love you too, you mommys boy." Lucifer said with a soft smile. "how about we go up there, talk to the front desk- well, st peter and see what happens there on. okay? Maybe he can search up her name and see if we can set something up?" Lucifer asked and alastor nodded. thats good enough. "Absolutely, my love!" he said as he littered lucifers face in kisses.

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