•🍂 || Like the fall- Madoka Magica

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Caregiver: Madoka
Regressor: Homura
Small age: 3-7 anos

Released in: 2022

A sad looking day. Autumn always had a sad feeling, the leaves were dry, and most of them were falling to the ground, while other leaves struggled to stay on the branches. The sky was overcast, and a strong icy wind blew through the air.

That mood matched Homura's mind at that moment, she was sad, not just sad, but some greater feeling. She could not describe these feelings, but her body could. Tears streamed down her delicate face, she just needed to feel welcomed. She was in her room and madoka, home alone, or so she thought. In a few minutes she hears the bedroom door opening, the girl takes a startled gasp, wiping away her tears.

"Homura?"- Madoka had just returned from a walk, and before she entered the room, she heard her girlfriend crying.

Homura becomes even more frightened, she didn't want her greatest asset, her girlfriend to see her crying. She continued to hide her crying, together, she wiped her tears away. Madoka was getting closer, preucupupada.

"Homu, what's wrong? You don't look well"- Asked the girl with the pink hair.

"It's nothing, sweetie, I'm fine"- She feigned a lightness in his face, so as not to worry her girlfriend.

"Look, it was nothing. Tell me what happened, I want to help you"- Madoka replied

When she heard this, the feeling of care and attention made her feel small. She didn't want to show her will, because she didn't want to show weakness, even in front of Madoka.

It was no use burdening herself, the tears did not hide her real feelings. Soon, upon realizing it, Madoka picks Homura up and cradles her in her arms.

"I told you it was nothing. What happened my baby?"- Said Madoka.

That nickname only made Homura want to receive more affection from her caregiver.

She continued to cry, Madoka still hugging her girlfriend.

"Homu, I'm not sure what you're thinking. Many things you've been through, I don't know about. But remember, strong girls cry too!"- Madoka kissed Homura on the head, to give her comfort and reassurance.

Homura began to calm down. She took a deep breath, thought calmly. That fight is over, she doesn't need to fight anymore. Madoka is by her side like she always wanted, she was finally on a peaceful path. Taking a deep breath, thinking of good things, she managed to calm down completely. The loneliness had passed, as had the gray clouds outside, which were letting the sun shine through.

"Better?"- Madoka asked, giving a sweet, light smile.

The black-haired girl said yes. But something had not gone away, her desire to stay small. She is a bit reluctant with herself, but ends up sedating this desire.

"Mado"- Called Homura

"Yes, princess?"- Asked Madoka

"Is it okay if I regress now?"- Asked Homura, embarrassed.

"Of course it's okay! And why wouldn't it be? I love taking care of you little one, you are my little princess"- Madoka said, making Homura blush.

Homura took a comfortable outfit from the closet, a baggy sweatshirt with a short skirt. She went to the bathroom and changed. Meanwhile, to help Homura regress, Madoka picked up some stuffed animals, all but 2 of which were from Madoka. In addition to the stuffed animals, Madoka had picked up a cup with a purple straw, it didn't look very childish, but it really helped Homura to regress.

Back in the room, Madoka had prepared everything, the bed was full of stuffed animals. Homura is a very quiet and calm little girl, very needy too. Upon reaching the bed, she immediately grabbed Madoka. The older one began to cuddle, with her little princess around her.
She caressed the little one's head, and she became more and more quiet. The older one offered the straw cup, which had warm milk in it, which was well accepted by the little one.

With each sip, she felt smaller and smaller. In Mado's arms, sipping warm milk, she felt more and more like the little princess she could never be. As she finished the milk, she handed it to her caregiver, who was concentrating on watching her baby girl take the milk.

"Mado"- Called the little one

"Hi baby"- Said the older one

"Sleepy..."- Said the little one, rubbing her hands over her dedicated eyes.

The little one was very tired, so the best thing to do. Madoka took the smaller one out of her lap and went about leaving the dark room, so that the little princess could relax. She closed the curtains, and left a dim light on, to make the room more relaxing. She returned to the bed, where the little one was with her stuffed penguin in her arms, just waiting for her caregiver. The smaller one hugged the older one, who was running her hands through the little one's black hair. After a few minutes, both fell into a deep and comfortable sleep.

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