dance with the devil

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Chris's POV

I was shell shocked. This beautiful vixen can scream and has a passion for music that I never could understand. Xandra is drop dead gorgeous. I couldn't believe I was having these feelings already. Now that the show was over I knew that the night was coming to an end and that we were probably never going to see each other again. But I wasnt to going let that happen. I had a idea.

"Xandra I have a offer for you and your sister." I said to her backstage.

"What is it??"

"How would you feel about coming in this tour with me ?" Her eyes widened at that .


"You have a intense talent and I could have you perform with us and I could definitely use your sisters help as merch or tech."

"That would definitely put you out there to the world and maybe you could pursue your dream as a singer." Ricky said butting in.

"You guys won't mind us coming with you?" She asked.

"Of course !! We would love that. You are fucking talented Xandra." Justin said.

"Fuck it why not !" She said and I couldn't help but hug her.

"We'll pop by your place to help you pack. This is gonna be fucking awesome!" Vinny said kissing Riley's cheek. I smirked at that , finding it cute that Vinny clearly has the hots for Xandras sister .

"Let's get going..,"


Xandra's POV

After we packed our things we were already on the tour bus heading to NYC .

We were all hanging in the front lounge of the bus and I couldn't help but marvel at how big the bus was and Riley was wrapped up with Vinny.

"Could I smoke on the bus. I'm a little nervous so I would like to smoke a blunt." I said and they all were cool with it so I began lighting a blunt.

"So where did you learn to sing and scream like that Xandra ?" Justin asked.

"I always sang. Since I was 7 years old. I went to parents . Singing competitions . I went to Full sail university to pursue a degree in performing arts. The screaming was hard to learn but I eventually mastered it." I replied and he nodded and hummed in agreement.

"Do you ever write your own music ?" Ryan asked.

"I do yes."

"Why don't you share something with us ? If you don't mind of course." Chris said and I got nervous but I went in my bag and grabbed my song book and I asked Ricky if I could use his guitar.

" This one is called angel eyes."


There's something about you,
I can not explain
I just want to know you,
I just want to know your name
It's not what you said,
Not the way you said it
I'm under your spell and I don't regret it

Take my breath,
Baby reach inside my chest,
You can have whatever's left,
Cause baby I'm possessed

Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes
(If you let me inside, I wont hold back this time)
Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside
(More than paralyzed, Oh its the chase you like)

There's a darkness,
I can feel it in your touch
I should get away,
I want you way too much
Take my breath,
Baby reach inside my chest,
You can have whatever's left,
Cause baby I'm possessed

Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes
(If you let me inside, I wont hold back this time)
Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside
(More than paralyzed, Oh its the chase you like)

You have this power over me
And there's no way to fight it
I cant help but gravitate towards you,
This is a force I can't defeat
Take my breath,
Baby reach inside my chest

Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes
(If you let me inside, I wont hold back this time)
Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside
(More than paralyzed, Watch out the devil's inside)


"Wow that's fucking awesome ! You ever thought about doing a music video ??" Chris asked.

"I always dreamed of doing that!"

"Well how would you like to be in our music video for eternally yours? We've been looking for someone to play the love interest."

"I would love to."

"We're shooting it after the NYC show. "

I couldn't believe what's been happening these past few hours. Hopefully it keeps going smoothly.


End of chapter

Eternally Yours -Chris Motionless/MIW-Where stories live. Discover now