Chapter 23

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                       Ryan dad POV

My family and I get to the Sanderson and I knocked then a few minutes later. Michelle came and open the front door and told her all to come in. We hugged her on our way inside their house.

I looked around and I don't see Larry or Summer. He must have told summer about her getting married to my son RJ already.

I asked Michelle "where is Larry and Summer?" Michelle looked at me with sad eyes  then smile at me and said "Larry is in his office and Summer in her room".

Michelle give me a look then grabbed Sondra pulling her inside the kitchen as they talk & laugh about something.

James go sit by Keysha and they hold hands then started watching cartoons together. I remember when summer & RJ used to be like that. I guess both of my boys have a thing for both of Larry's girls.

Michelle, Larry, my wife Sondra and I have been best friends since we met in preschool. So our kids are closed also.

I stopped Rj from going upstairs and looked at him  then said "remember she ain't married to you let so don't do anything to get us kicked out of this house" Rj said "dad I will be good I am just going to talk to her I promise" I  look just looked at me then  because I know what he meant by saying just going to talk to her. He is my son and he is just like me so I said "right just remember what I said son" then I turn and walked down the hall to Larry office.

I knocked on the office door and Larry   said "come in" so I did then closed the door behind me.

Larry saw it was me and got up then came to hug me. After our hug he went and sat back down in his chair.
I said "man you look upset what going on?"

He sighed then looked at me and said "I told summer that she has to marry Ryan and she got upset then we had a fight" "u would think after everything I have and still doing for her that she would do this one thing for me but hell no was her answer"

I got up n pour us both a bourdon with ices. I give him his drink then I grabbed mine then went and sat back down in the chair in front of his desk.

I said "I can  understand why both of y'all are upset but you are right after everything you have done for her and still doing she could do this one thing for her. She is being an ungrateful brat" then drink some of my drink.

Larry said "yes she is but more like an ungrateful spoiled brat and I told her that too" then he got up n drunk his whole drink. He walked around his desk and sat in the other chair beside me.

Larry said "I don't understand it. U remember what  it was like growing up so I worked hard to give my wife and girls a better life than I had. A big fancy mansion to live in, much of cars to drive, unlimited black bank cards, everything they ever wanted or needed"

I get why he is upset because he has done everything for his family and when he needs his older daughter to do something so he can continue to give  the life his family has gotten with  comfort with and she doesn't want to do it.

See when he first came to me bout his business problems I was just going to give him the money he needs to rebrand his business because Larry is more than my best friend but more my brother. We grow up together and has been through everything together.  I will always help him out or be there for him no matter what.

I remember I give the company just like his to RJ on his 18 birthday to see if he could run a business and He definitely could because his business became number 1 in a month and I was so proud of him.

I thought they could emerge their companies and help Larry with his company while Larry just sit back and enjoy the money and give him time to spend more time with his family and do whatever he wants to do but it was rj decided if he wanted to do that so I just told RJ bout Larry business company and RJ came up with the idea of emerging their companies. Son thinks like his father. I am so proud of him.

We all met us, Larry agreed then RJ shocked us both by telling us that the only way he will emerge the companies that summer has to marry him next month after her birthday. I thought my son has lost his mind but then I thought about it. He has been in love and obsessed with summer since the day he met her when they were 6 years old.

I know how he feels bout summer because I felt the same way Michelle when I first met her. She was so beautiful. We became friends and dated for awhile and had amazing sex together but our families & life got in the way of everything so we just decided to be friends. We started dating our spouses but we never stopped loving each other tho.

Don't judge us because Larry and Sondra both know bout our past relationships together. We don't keep no secrets in our friends group. We just wasn't meant to be together and we both accepted that. We both love each other but we both are more madly in love with our spouses.

I won't trade my beautiful wife Sondra and my boys for nothing in this world. What Michelle had and shared was in the past and it will stay there.

I said "I know RJ really in love with summer because I see the way he looks at her like she is the only woman in there"

Larry said "I know I seen it to but can I really force her to do something she doesn't want to do just to benefit me? I don't know what to do!" He signed again and put his elbows on his knees and face in his hands.

Ryan wants to marry Summer because he loves her but he also wants to protect her.

I put my drink on the end table between us then said "I wasn't supposed to tell you this but I am going to tell you this anyway because we don't keep things from each other"

Larry turned and looked at me and said "what is it man?" I said "summer boyfriend Sammy is Josh Jackson nephew" Larry look at me with a shock looks on his face then said "that mean he is Jesse Jackson son" I said "yes he is" Larry said "I thought that motherfucker looked familiar to someone I knew from my past"

I said "I have something else to tell you but you go to promise not to do anything crazy, deal?" Larry just looked at me and said "deal" I said "Josh has his nephew Sammy to date summer to steal all yr company information and get summer knock up then break her heart and leave her"

Larry got up and said "what the fuck I am going to kill both of those motherfuckers"then tried to walk out the office but I stopped him and locked the door.

I said "Larry calm down I know how you are feeling because I felt the same way. Summer and Keysha are like daughters I never had and I love them as much as I love my boys but we can't go out and kill Josh & his nephew just like that and you know it"

Larry looks at me and said "you are right so what we going to do then?" I said "Ryan and summer will get married in two weeks until then we are going to ask like we don't know anything o ok?" Larry said "o ok man" then grabbed my drink and drank it.

We hear our wives calling us so we just walked out of his office until the kitchen to help our wives set the table.

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