009. Dora the Explorer has an iPhone

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The man leaned down heavily on me, preventing any notion of escape. A knife slipped open in his hand and he pushed it towards me, an insane grin on his face.

Oh my god I'm going to die. Am I going to meet Jesus? My life isn't flashing through my eyes like I expected to happen moments before death, maybe an issue with the wiring in my brain?

He pushes the knife down into my neck, but he barely nicks it before he's being flung across the room by green magic.

My neck snaps to the side where I spot Loki swiftly taking down the rest of the men. "What the hell!" I shout, pushing myself back up onto my feet.

He glances at me and the distraction almost causes a knife through his heart, but he quickly stops it with magic before flinging the man across the room where all the soldiers start to pile up.

One tries to come up at me from behind but I elbow him in the neck with barely a thought.

"Loki!" I yell again as he knocks down the last guy.

He swivels to face me. "What?" He snaps, kicking the guy once more just for good measure. There's a small cut just above his eyebrow and his eyebrow is split.

If a god is looking that beat up, wonder what I look like?

I gesture to the men moaning on the ground. "You couldn't have done that earlier? You know, maybe before I was knifed to death?"

Loki narrows his eyes and strides towards me, blasting a man with green magic when they try to grab onto his leg. He stops right in front of me and reaches to caress the cut on my neck. "Why didn't you use your ice powers?"

My breath hitches when he leans closer, his breath fanning her cheek, his eyes never straying from my neck. I clear my throat, "I don't know if you noticed, but my hands were pinned. And unlike some people I know, I don't have superhuman strength."

Loki's eyes glance up at her face and he straightens. "You truly don't know the true extent to your powers do you?"

"What are you talking about?" I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest, "I know my powers very well, and very personally," I add, wiggling my eyebrows.

Loki groans and turns away, strolling out the door. I quickly go after him, jogging to meet his long strides as we disappear into the forest and leave the compound behind. Strange how they didn't have any security outside.

"So," I ask casually, "why didn't you use your powers in the first place? Could have saved us a lot of time," I huff.

Loki's face barely twitches. "I guess whatever technology they used to omit it wears off, but it takes time. I didn't originally use my powers because I hadn't gotten them back yet."

I freeze for a second and stumble over my foot, barely catching myself. Loki doesn't even react. I clear my throat. "Ok. Yeah. That makes sense," A long moment of silence passes, "So. What's the plan now."

"We find civilization and get some food," Loki replies simply.

I side eye him, "and how exactly are we going to do that?"

He shrugs, "I don't know, you figure it out. This is your planet after all."

I scowl, "don't you have magic? Can't you just teleport us there?"

"My magic hasn't fully returned," Loki replies in frustration, "this is your planet, do you not know the way around."

"Oh sorry, it's just that I've visited so many forests I get them confused sometimes," I say sarcastically, "I know you haven't really properly seen the whole of Earth before, but it's pretty damn big. You know that city you tried to take over? Yeah, that wasn't even the biggest one. And you can't even see it on a satellite." I take a breath then continue, "so no, i don't know where we are. But considering Earth is huge and all forests all look the same, and I was also knocked out when being forced here against my will, it's a fair assumption!"

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 ✿ L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now