012. Of Course

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I cut the last chapter up into two parts cause I thought it was wayyyyy too long and produced way too many good chapter ideas that it just made me sad I couldn't use any of them. So here we are. Enjoy!


I stare at the very old and ugly car. Loki gestures to it, keys jingling in between his fingers, "get in."

I turn, wide-eyed , to him then back to the car. He can't be serious? "Is this really the only option?"

Loki rolls his eyes, "yes, now get in."

I regard him and tilt my head, "no thanks." Then avert my gaze.

Loki clenches his jaw, "get. in."

I turn and narrow my eyes at him, "no."

"Now," Loki growls, grabbing onto my wrist.

I pull my wrist out of his grasp- well, attempt to, he has a very strong grip- and glare at him, "make me-" he quickly covers my mouth with his hand, keys scraping against my cheek.

"Trust me, darling. That's a sentence you don't want to finish." A flush immediately rises to my cheeks and Loki smirks, not making a move to remove his hand.

I try to pull away put he just tightens his grip on me, his blue-green eyes flashing with mischief.

Fine, whatever happens next is on him. Narrowing my eyes at him, I open my mouth and lick his palm.

Loki's smile immediately falls and he pulls his hand away, cradling it like it was his deceased baby. "You disgusting creature," he snarls.

I just grin at him then skip to the car, plopping myself in the drivers seat.

For a few moments nothing happens.

Then Loki's figure appears in the door. He bends over until his face is visible.


He grabs onto the sleeve of my my little pony shirt and flings me out of the car, sending me sprawling on the ground. Then, he places himself in the driver's seat, grinning smugly at me.

"Little shit," I grumble under my breath, pushing myself onto my feet and moving around the front of the car to get to the passengers car. "You know you could've just asked me to move," I grouch, slamming the car door close behind me.

Loki turns the ignition on and grins at me, "where's the fun in that?"

Then it's like he puts all his energy into pushing the acceleration pedal because I can hardly take in the scenery outside because it's moving so fast. "What the hell Loki!" I yell, grabbing onto the shoulder rest for dear life, "motherfucker, bitch," I continue cursing, "we're all going to die!"

Loki laughs and I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling as though I'd left my stomach behind at wherever we just were.

Are we even in the same city? State? Country? I wouldn't be surprise if we've crossed the fucking ocean and are now riding through a desert in Australia.

What seems like days later the car finally slows to a normal pace. I crack open my eyes to see a car in front of us, then glance over to see Loki frowning.

"Oh thank god," I mutter, relaxing because I've finally noticed the multitude of cars outside. We're stuck in traffic.

"What is this?" Loki growls, "why are all the vehicles not moving?"

I can't help but laugh, wiping a tear from my eyes. "It's traffic Mischief, does Asgard not have that?"

"No," Loki glowers, "this sucks."

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 ✿ L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now