Chapter 16

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Amelia Grace Winters

"Adam, I think I need to go home now. It's 7 already," I gave him a cheeky smile. "Okay, I'll send you home alright?" I nodded.

I waved Sara goodbye and she smiled. She was busy cooking dinner so I don't want to disturb her so I just gave her a wave and a smile.

After 20 minutes.

"Thanks Adam, love ya!" I yelled at him as I walked to the door. "Love ya too Lia!" he waved and drove, leaving me alone. I knocked and my mum unlocked the door. "Had fun already?" she smirked. I giggled and grinned. Which means yes.

I took a shower and wore my pyjamas. I was so tired but decided to watch the television anyways. I grabbed my phone and switched on the television. Adam texted me saying;

- 7:35 pm -

Adam : I'm so gonna win next time.
Lia : Oh really?
Adam : Pft.
Lia : Shame on you :p
Adam : It's okay to lose when you're with your best friend ;)
Lia : Yea yea.
Adam : Bye Lia! See ya tomorrow, and love you!
Lia : Love you too!

It was a tiring day though. I yawned for several times and I just thought that maybe it's time to drink coffee.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to mix a cup of coffee. I also grabbed some french fries and crisps to eat in my room. I switched off the television and raced myself to my bedroom.

I immediately put my snacks and coffee on my table and layed myself on my comfy, cozy bed. I hugged my pillow. No Lia don't sleep, drink some coffee.

I lazily stood up and drank the coffee. Stacy's name was on my phone's screen which means she's now calling me.

I sighed and answered the call. "Hi Lia," she greeted. Ugh, what do you want from me when you have Adria. "Hi," I simply answered her.

"Are you dating with Adam?" she asked. What. "No, why?" I was curious. "To be honest, he's so damn hot. You're so lucky," I choked because I was drinking my coffee that time.

"Don't judge people by their appearances," I rolled my eyes. Girls nowadays. "Does he have a girlfriend?" damn it. Is she trying to kill me or what. "Look Stace, eventhough he's my best friend, he's still mine okay," I nervously explained her about my feelings to Adam.

Looks like someone's mad at me. She ended the call right after I said that. This girl is trying to flirt a boy by their appearance? What about their heart?

I'm not saying that Adam is a bad boy but at least, she have to know his attitude, personality, stuff like that. Yes, I'm not good in love but seriously though.

I'm not jealous. I was just trying to warn her not to do that to Adam and also the other good-looking boys out there.

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