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“Hey, get off of me!”

“Hey, you’re the idiot who tripped over his own shoelaces!”

The two children wrestle for a moment, the smaller of the two kicking and fussing. They stand up quickly, glaring at each other. The smaller has jet black, spiky hair, wide onyx eyes, and a soft, peachy face. His eyes are narrowed right now, glaring at the slightly taller boy in front of him. He has short, lavender hair and sky blue eyes. He is wearing a scowl, and crosses his arms.

“That wasn't very nice!” the smaller boy huffs.

“Goten? Goten, where did you run off to?” A worried and questioning voice is breaking through the chatter of passerby throughout the mall they’re in. Goten, the black-haired child, feels his face heat up as the other boy starts laughing at him.

“Aww, is your daddy looking for you?” the boy taunts, and Goten huffs again at his rudeness. He is searching for a clever comeback, something to get this boy to stop being so mean, when another voice cuts through the atmosphere.

“Trunks! You’d better get your ass back over here right now!” the voice is deep and harsh, and the lavender-haired boy jumps. Goten laughs in return, making “Trunks” flush in embarrassment.

“Ha, your name is Trunks?” the lavender-haired boy growls, and before Goten can react, Trunks moves forward and shoves Goten. He stumbles for a moment, almost falling back before righting himself with a glare. He doesn't think about it, doesn't give himself time to rationalize his decision; Goten punches Trunks in the face.

The boy reels back with a shout, eyes watering as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Goten’s eyes widen in shock as he sees the boy’s nose begin to bleed, and he begins to panic.



Goten spins around to be greeted with the sight of his dad running towards him, obviously angry but also relieved at finding his son. His dad looks exactly like Goten; same unruly hair, dark eyes, and light skin. As a grown man, he has a powerful build, tall and muscled underneath a tee shirt and jeans. As he reaches Goten, his gaze drops to Trunks, who is now sitting on the floor and sniffling, trying not to cry. Goten turns to his dad with wide eyes, very much regretting his rash decision.

“Goten, what do you think you’re doing?!” his dad snaps, and Goten shuffles his feet as he looks to the ground, ashamed.

“I ran into this boy who fell on me, and we started fighting and I got mad because he was making fun of me!” Goten peeks up at his dad through his bangs.

“I was so mad I hit him, but I’m really sorry!” His dad raises an eyebrow, and inclines his head towards Trunks; his sniffles have died down, but he is still holding his nose and trying to stop it from bleeding. Goten shuffles towards the lavender-haired boy, who looks up at him with tears in his eyes still. Before Goten can muster up the courage to apologize, another person joins their small gathering.

“Trunks, what’s going on?!” Another man is kneeling behind Trunks now, a hand on the boy’s back. He isn’t quite as tall as Goten’s dad, probably a few inches shorter, but somehow he is much more intimidating. His hair is tall and spiked, tapering down into a widow’s peak, with narrow, jet black eyes and a deep set scowl. He is just as muscled as Goten’s dad, with tanner skin under a tank top and skinny jeans. The man is obviously Trunks’ dad, and Goten steps back in fear of the anger in his eyes.

“Hey, you!” the man snaps, and Goten yelps in fear as he leaps behind his father’s legs.

“What is the meaning of this? Your scrap of a kid almost broke my son’s nose!” Goten’s dad offers a sheepish grin, running a hand through his hair as he laughs, a nervous edge causing his voice to break at the end of his laughter.

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