O my god, it's today

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"You sure know how to snag a date, Goku! You said Goten punched his kid in the face, and he still said yes?" The voice on the line sounds dumbfounded, and Goku laughs.

"Yeah, crazy, right? I still can't believe it. And now there's only three days until I see him again!" Goku leans back in his chair as his childhood friend squeals over the phone.

"Oh my god, this is adorable! I can watch Goten for you if you want."

"That would be great, thanks Bulma! I also offered for you to watch his kid too, but he didn't pick up on it, so I'm not sure. Would you mind?" Bulma sighs through the line, but she doesn't sound annoyed. Maybe a little exasperated. Goku crosses his fingers as he hears her rustle some papers before answering.

"Of course you offered, but sure, I wouldn't mind. What did you say his kid's name was again?" Goku scratches under his chin as he looks through his closet. For some reason Goku had been hit with the urge to pick out his outfit ahead of time for his date. Should he go casual, or classy? Maybe a mix of both? He shuffles through tops and finds a nice violet button-up, and he wonders if he has a vest stashed somewhere in his dressers.

"I don't even think I told you, actually! He's a tough little guy, that's for sure. His name's Trunks," Goku says. As he finds a pair of dark skinny jeans and turns to look for that vest he's been thinking about there is a long, stretched out silence over the line. Goku checks his phone to see if Bulma hasn't hung up before finding a black vest, but then almost drops his phone in surprise.

"WHAT?" Bulma shrieks. Goku gathers his outfit (it's a surprise he has such nice clothes stashed away in his room) and places it on top of his dresser, shifting his phone between his cheek and shoulder. His eyebrows knit together as he frowns.

"Yeah. Is something wrong?"

"Of course something is wrong, you idiot! That's my kid! You're going to have dinner with Vegeta?!" Goku stops short, eyes widening as a sense of dread washes over him.

"Uh, yes?" He slaps a hand over his forehead, face paling as the final pieces fall into place.

"Shit! Don't tell me I'm going on a date with your ex husband?!" Bulma shrieks again on the other line, and Goku kicks his dresser. How did he end up with such terrible luck, landing a date with the man he barely heard about until Bulma got divorced? She's never really talked about him before; it's all been in passing, and he can vaguely recall hearing Vegeta's name once or twice. Goku runs a hand through his hair as his stomach sinks; the prospect of dinner is laden with guilt, now.

"I'm so sorry, Bulma! I had no idea that Vegeta was your ex husband Vegeta!" Goku sighs and casts a glance at the outfit he's picked out.

"Do you want me to cancel the date?" Goku murmurs in a defeated tone. He wishes he could see Bulma's face right now, to try and gauge her feelings regarding this whole situation. He feels terrible for making such a mistake, even if it was by pure accident. Eventually Bulma hums over the line, and then chuckles a bit.

"No. You don't have to cancel your date for my sake, Goku. This could be just what you need. you haven't been this lively since Chi-Chi died, and Gohan's worried about you. You should tell him about this." Bulma's reply is serious, so serious that Goku shifts in discomfort, avoiding the intense gazes of eyes he can't see.

"I guess I should. No use making my son worry about me when he's got his own things to be worried about! Thank you, Bulma," Goku smiles, even though he knows she can't see it.

"There's no need to thank me, Goku. I can send over some cash for the meal if you need it. Call me the day before so I have time to get it to you, alright?"

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