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Rosa strolled confidently alongside her ten mates, all of them making their way towards Winston and Azura, the latter being accompanied by a mysterious woman who had led them to this tense scene. Winston instinctively positioned himself in front of Azura, his protective instincts kicking in. However, Azura couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was drastically wrong in this situation.

"Hello, ugly duckling!" Rosa exclaimed with a mocking tone, stepping forward as she addressed the pair.

"We’ll talk later," she continued, a wicked grin spreading across her face, "but first, mates, grab dear Winston and beat him up to the point he can’t stand up." With that chilling command, her friends charged at Winston, their intent clear and brutal. A sense of dread filled the air; Winston was outnumbered. Though he was strong, facing four tetramarked fighters and six others, even he knew that he stood little chance against such odds.

"Azura, run with all your might! Don’t think about anything else!" Winston shouted, his voice filled with urgency and desperation.

"No, I can’t leave you here alone," she protested, her heart racing as she glanced at the woman beside her.

"Don’t worry," Rosa interrupted, stepping closer to Azura and the random female.

In a swift motion, Azura instinctively covered her abdomen, moving to shield the other woman as Rosa lunged forward. Just as chaos consumed the moment, her eyes widened in shock when Rosa wrapped her arms around the unnamed female in a surprising hug.

"Thank you for luring her out," Rosa said with a smirk, "I’ll make sure my father releases your males from custody."

Azura’s mind reeled in astonishment—this had all been part of a devious plan.

"AZURA, RUN! FOR ME, FOR US, FOR OUR CHILD, RUN!" Winston’s voice echoed in her ears as he fell victim to their aggression and was knocked down, his last plea resonating painfully within her.

"Don’t kill him," Rosa ordered her mates nonchalantly. They exchanged glances but relented, although their expressions suggested they found the order unimpressive.

"So, you know i loathe you," Rosa addressed Azura, her tone dripping with venom. "I heard from the ape king that you and your mates have been a nuisance. You dared to disrespect him—and me, of course alongside my father. How dare you!"

Azura stood frozen, dazed by the turn of events. What was Rosa even talking about? Her mind raced, frantically searching for an escape route, desperate to find a way out of this nightmare.

As she took a step back, intent on fleeing, she was suddenly blocked by the other female. "Not so fast," she sneered. Azura grunted in frustration. How dare this woman obstruct her path after being fooled into trusting her? She had even sent Asher away ! Wait- was Asher fine-

"You ungrateful bitch!" Azura screamed, her hands clenching into fists, ready to confront the woman confronting her.

But in a cruel twist of fate, Rosa struck swiftly, plunging a knife into Azura’s stomach. Shock coursed through her as pain erupted, catching her off guard at such a vulnerable moment. Determined not to succumb to despair, Azura mustered all her strength and, in a frantic rush, shoved both women aside. Tears streamed down her face as she sprinted away, overwhelmed by a torrent of anguish. Everything was spiraling out of control—Winston injured and her only hope resting with her distant mates and their unborn child. She prayed her baby was safe. She hoped Winston would be fine too- she didn't want to lose anyone .

"Uhh, don’t you dare, darling," Rosa taunted, her voice chillingly triumphant. "Her mates can’t sense her here and I doubt she has any strength left to use their abilities. I wonder how she plans on getting out. The mountain entrances are blocked; you have no choice but to run into the woods." There was an ominous finality in her words that left Azura feeling deeply trapped and alone.

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