~Telmar anno 2293~

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A young Prince of Telmar walked side by side his professor, through the long and dimly hallways of the castle with only the glow of the torches on the walls to guide them. The Prince, who had recently turned seven listened keenly as his professor told him about the telmarines history. As a Prince and one day King, it was his duty to know everything there was to know about his ancestors and their origin. However, as much as the young Prince loved a good history lesson, like many others, there was one part of the Narnian history that he longed to know more about.


"Yes, my Prince?"

"Could you tell me about old Narnia? My father mentioned something about an old prophecy and Kings and Queens. Who were they and what happened to them?"

"I'm surprised your father even mentioned it to you. Let us go to the library and I will tell you everything I know about the Kings and Queens of old." The professor led the two to his study and closed the door behind them as he didn't want nosey people to listen in on their conversation.

"Now my boy, the truth about Narnia and its inhabitants is a sensitive subject therefor it is not wise to mention any of this where others can hear you. You must promise me you will never speak of this to anyone outside this room." The Prince nodded his head and promised to never tell a soul about what the professor was about to tell him. He sat down in one of the professors armchairs while the professor picked out a book from one of the shelves then sat down in the chair next to the Prince and turned over the pages to find the right one.

"What I'm about to tell you might sound strange and hard to believe, unnatural even. You see, Narnia used to be the home to not just humans but talking animals as well."

"Talking animals?"

"Yes, all kinds of animals that by magic had the ability to talk. Even fauns, centaurs, minotaurs, hippogriffs, dryads, elves, dwarfs, fairies, giants, and trolls were among the creatures that resided in Narnia. They all lived among each other, as friends, and foes alike. But everything wasn't as peaceful as you might think. An evil witch came to Narnia from a distant land and claimed Narnia as her own, crowning herself as Queen. And as a curse upon her Narnian subjects, she began the Long Winter, forcing Narnia into a hundred-year state of frozen snow and ice, which lasted all through her reign, thus earning her the title, the "White Witch".

"A hundred years of winter? Never summer. I don't think I would like that."

"No, and that's why her tyranny and the never-ending winter eventually provoked the Narnians into a triumphant uprising known as the Winter Revolution."

"There was a war?"

"Yes, and a great one at that. But a victory could only happen if the prophecy came true."

"What was the prophecy?" The young Prince asked eagerly as his eyes lightened up with excitement.

"It was prophesied that when two sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve entered Narnia, they together with the help of Aslan the lion would end the rule of the White Witch and usher in a new, peaceful era in Narnia's history."

"They must have been brave to have faced such an evil witch."

"They truly were. But with Aslan and the Protector on their side, the White Witch never stood a chance to begin with. That is why the White Witch did everything she could to get rid of them both. However, she underestimated the strength of Queen Miriam thus is the end, the White Witch met her bitter end."

"Hold on, the Protector was a girl?"

"Indeed she was." The professor turned another page of the history book to show a portrait of a beautiful young woman.

"Queen Miriam was destined to be Narnias long-awaited warrior and protector which she proved time and time again

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"Queen Miriam was destined to be Narnias long-awaited warrior and protector which she proved time and time again. Enemies feared her, more so than High King Peter. She never lost a battle. But despite her legacy as a feared warrior, it is said she had just as many suitors as Queen Susan. However, none deemed worthy of her. So she remained an unmarried woman until she disappeared with the other Kings and Queens."

"Wow. Where did they come from and where did they go?" By now, the young Prince had more questions than he ever had during any previous lesson with the professor.

"No one knows. One day they appeared and were crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia. They ruled for fifteen years before they disappeared, never to be found. Where they went, no one knows. But for a long time, the Narnians believed and hoped that they would reappear once more."

"Do you think they will?"

"I'm not sure, maybe one day. And if they do, I hope I'll be around to meet them."

"Me too." The Prince smiled up at his professor and the professor chuckled softly. The Prince thought this story was far better than any other stories he had been told. He didn't know if any of it was true, his uncle would surely tell him it was all nonsense if he were to mention it to him. No the best thing was to keep his promise and never tell another soul in case it was true.

"Professor, who is Aslan?" The Prince couldn't help but ask more and more questions. However, only now realizing how late it was, the professor had to cut the story time short.

"That my boy, is a story for another day." And with that, the professor stood up from his chair and led the young Prince out of his office and off to the boy's chamber.

"Good night professor."

"Good night Prince Caspian."

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