~Meeting Lilian Pierce~

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"Get Miriam, they are coming!"



"Quickly, miss Pierce. We need to get you to safety!"

"I'll be right back my darling. I need you to stay here and be quiet."

"Don't leave me, mother."

"I need to get your father. I love you my darling. I'll be with you soon, I promise."

Lena Pierce kissed her daughter's forehead before exiting the room in search for her husband, leaving the desperate girl struggling against two strong arms. Tears were streaming down Miriams cheeks as she was pushed through the hidden door to the safe room where the rest of the staff were hiding. Mr. Branson, the butler, was holding a tight grip on Miriam so that she wouldn't go running for her parents. They all tried their best to silence their sobs all while listening to how an army of Nazi officers entered the house. Miriam was shaking vigorously against Mr. Bransons chest while he tried to comfort her to his best ability. His hold on her tightened as they heard the screams of Charles and Lena Pierce right before two gunshots were fired.

Miriam woke up with a jolt. Her breathing was rapid, and her body sweating. Her dream felt so real, her parents' voices, even her mother's scent was exactly as she remembered it. In a fair world, Miriam's dreams would be those of happiness and warmth. But it wasn't a fair world and Miriam's dreams weren't happy and warm, they were cold and sorrowful. All she felt was pain and emptiness. Each night was the same, and each morning she woke up with her heart a little more broken than the previous one. By each passing day, she felt it less likely that she would once again be truly happy. With her memories that plagued her dreams and her uncle who made her waking hours a living hell, she didn't know which was worse. They were both torturous experiences and she didn't know how much longer she could take it. She was torn between hopes of a better tomorrow and surrender.

Life at the Pierce estate was no longer warm and lively, not since the death of her parents. Miriam would wake up every morning and doing the same routine as she did the day before. She would eat her breakfast alone in the breakfast room while reading the newly ironed newspaper. She would then spend her waking hours reading, painting, stroll through the garden, with supervision of course, and making sure everything was in order for her potential departure, in case by some miracle she would return to Narnia. She would have fencing lessons with a trainer then luncheon, afternoon tea and dinner alone in the dining room. Miriam was a lonely young woman that only had her staff for company. She would make it her mission to spend as much time as she could with them, talk to them and show her gratitude. She wanted to learn from them, especially the kitchen staff.

Miriam rubbed the sleep from her eyes, got out of bed then put on her robe, tied it, and left her bedroom

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Miriam rubbed the sleep from her eyes, got out of bed then put on her robe, tied it, and left her bedroom. With light steps, she descended the stairs and into the breakfast room.

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