~Midnight madness~

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At midnight, they set off to the Telmarine castle. Peter had laid out the plan earlier and now everyone was taking their positions ready for a battle. Lucy was told to stay back with some of the young and small Narnians who weren't ready to enter a battlefield just yet. Peter also ordered some Narnians to guard the How in case Miraz's people planned an attack while they were gone. Miriam had given her friend a tight hug and a kiss on top of the head before they had to leave. Miriam was thankful Lucy wouldn't be joining them as she would be too worried to focus so by staying behind she at least knew Lucy would be safe.

While the larger party stayed outside the castle gate, a griffin flew over the castle carrying Edmund. They landed on top of a tower, out of sight of a soldier who stood guard. The soldier looked up at the sky as he thought he heard something but saw nothing. Then, without warning, the griffin grabbed the soldier and pulled him up. Once the soldier was gone, Edmund jumped down and with his electric torch he signaled the others. Peter, Susan, Miriam and Caspian, carried by griffins, flew inside the castle and landed on the courtyard. On the way down, Caspian killed a soldier and Susan another who was aiming his crossbow at Edmund. Once Miriam was on the ground, she did an overview of the new place before joining the others.

Outside, Asterius the minotaur sneaked along the castle wall but was soon spotted by a soldier who drew his sword. Instead of engaging in a fight, Asterius put a finger to his lips and let out a quiet 'shhh'. Before the soldier had the chance to react, Nikabrik the dwarf came up behind him and hit him in the head. Meanwhile, Reepicheep led the mice out from the underground, through the gates and across a rope before entering the castle.

Peter, Susan, Caspian and Miriam climbed down a wall but stopped when Caspian knocked on a window.

"Professor?" Caspian whispered. He opened the window and stepped into the professors study. The King and Queens followed the prince. Once inside, Caspian found a pair of glasses on the table. "I have to find him."

"You don't have time. You have to get to the gatehouse." Peter told Caspian.

"You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would I." Susan and Peter exchanged glances before Susan spoke.

"We can take care of Miraz."

"And I can still make it to the gatehouse in time."

"I'll go with you." Miriam who had been moving around the study turned around and said. She had her swords ready in hand in case they'd be attacked by Telmarines. Peter sighed but agreed and within seconds, Caspian and Miriam ran off in search for the professor.


Caspian and Miriam found their way to the cells down in the dungeon. There, they found the professor laying chained on the floor. Caspian stepped into the cell to wake him up.

"Five more minutes?" Caspian said to the professor. Miriam didn't know what it meant but it must have worked because the professor woke up with a shocked expression.

"What are you doing here?" Caspian removed the shackles from the professors arms and helped him to his feet. "I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here."

"He'll learn soon enough. We are giving him your cell."

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry."

"Caspian, we need to leave before someone finds us here." Miriam stated while standing guard. The professor tried to see who had spoken but it was too dark to see, so he turned his attention back to Caspian again.

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