Chapter 4

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I watch as many of them fight one another hand to hand in combat. They have the energy to fulfill anything they wanted to do. Others would run the course and jump over the obstacles; some weren't able to make the wall with their armor. What a shame, and here I thought they were qualified, to fit my standards.

Even though I had already chosen Tommy, he insisted on running the course, and to much of my surprise, he made the whole thing. Such a young boy, training with a smile and having the courage to take down what they need to is a soldier.

It has been about three hours of training and testing for the team. I had made up my mind and headed down to the deck.

"Line up!"

They quickly form in a straight line, staying quiet. I slowly pace back and forth in front of them just waiting. I stop and turn to face a middle aged man. A scar ran through the right side of his forehead. He starred into my eyes as I did to his.

"What is your name soldier?" I ask him.

"Sergeant Dale, Sir!"

I slowly nod; I turn on my heel and walk down the line of men. Again stopping in front of another young man. I ask for his name,

"Private Rick, Sir!"

"At ease, soldier" I turn back and face all the men. "Sergeant Dale and Private Rick! you two will be accompanying me to this mission. Prepare yourselves, for this is a hard mission." I turn to walk and remembered something. "Oh, and welcome to Wolf Team gentlemen"

I back turn around and head back to my cabin. "Clear the deck!" I hear a commander order from the balcony. And now, I wait for more info on this mission.


"I know you only want me to come because I know the reason for this mission, Rookie" Chan speaks in a cold tone. I just stare at the metal floors listening to his words. We were good or more okay friends but now...I'm not sure anymore. I never had too much trust in him.

"Are you even listening to me?" I hear him raise his voice. I look up at him and nod.

"I called you to the team because I need you there, guns might not last forever. Then there's that of you knowing about the Flood, this shouldn't be a big deal because we're all going to face them anyways. I'll tell the others about it on the way to the ring..., just leave it to me Chan." he sits back on his chair. I turn over and watch the holographic screens; I wonder who created these...things.

I look over at my helmet that lays on the table, a red wolf symbol imprinted on top. Which reminds me, I turn over and open a drawer and grab a print.

"I almost forgot to give you this," I turn around to face Chan, "here, this print means that you're on Wolf Team, put it on your right shoulder" he reaches out and takes the print.

I gesture him to leave so I could rest. Shutting the doors, and turning off the computers, I go and lay down on the bed. Looking up at the carved saying in the stone above the bed, I form a saying.

" survive...we stick together..., we hide in the shadows..., communicate together, with this team, no man is left behind," I close my eyes and rest.


Quickly I snap my head up from the water, a battle is taking place between the UNSC marines and the covenant. Banshees flying around shooting green plasma bombs at us. The screaming of injured soldiers increases as I gain conscience to my surrounding.

I feel light headed, my breathing is slow, and keeping balance was the hard part. I try to take a couple steps in the water stream, but with every grenade exploding, I stumble.

The ground is grey with many holes, bullet shells cover most of the ground. Plasma burns on rocks. Then, I'm pushed over, my face slamming into the shallow water. I could hear Mickey's voice yelling towards me. He grabs my armor and flips me over. When I look up, I see a flood monster. His head is off to the side, his body elongated, parts of his armor infused with his skin.

"Mickey? Is that you?" a piercing screech fills the air, coming from the monster in front of me. I quickly look for a pistol or something. Finally I find a magnum in the water and shoot the antenna of the infection. Pushing back in fear I quickly look at my surroundings. Flood are everywhere, the covenant...the soldiers...., I'm alone. Then everything goes dark.

I sit up quickly only to bang my head on the stone above the bed.

"Okay, it was just a dream...nothing but a dream," I lay back on the bed. I close my eyes once more only to be awakened by the sound of the security sirens. Dashing out of the bed, I quickly grab my helmet and go to the landing dock.

"Tommy! Dale! Mickey! Chan! Head to the landing dock now!" I yell into the helmet com.

"What's going on?" Mickey talks back through the com.

"I don't know, but we might be heading down earlier than scheduled. Everyone! Get your ammo and weapons ready! It's time!" I head into the armory.

I grab two extra magazines of fifteen for a magnum pistol. I take a moment and look at the pistol in my hand..."it better not come true..." Then I grab a couple grenades, an assault rifle and battle rifle with extra ammo for each. Before leaving I stop by a counter to find tracker bullets.

"These could come in handy..." I say, while heading to the landing dock to meet up with the others.

"Sir! We are ready to go" Tommy reports. I nod and stand in the horizontal line of us in the team.

The Master Chief walks up in front of the five of us. Seeing my reflection in his visor, I wait for any orders.

"Sorry to interrupt gentlemen, but it seems like there was an interference with our networks. We are approaching the Halo ring. Get ready to launch, and hold on tight, it might be a bumpy ride" Cortana speaks through the com. The Chief nods once and steps into a pod. The door securely closes and he awaits to launch. The others do the same, and I go last.

Stepping in to the black launch pod, I turn around to face the deck. I set my hands on the two grips as the door lowers down and seals shut. After a few moments, we a shot down to the Halo ring. The pressure increases as I grip tight on the handles. I watch as the Leviathan II grows smaller every second. Looking over to the left, a covenant ship flies in through a space portal. They also start launching pods.

I see the metal on the outside turn red as we get closer. One moment later, I feel the pod crash into the ground, dust and dirt fill the air with nothing visible.

I press the unlock buttons but nothing happens. I pull the emergency lever and that doesn't work either. My door is jammed.



I have come back!

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