Chapter 3

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The early morning light was bright, shining in through the window. Aiden groaned and closed his eyes tight, fighting off the hangover headache. The pounding in his head was so loud he felt like throwing up. He struggled to remember what had happened last night. He could remember meeting up with his friends. He remembered taking a few pills with Edward and drinking with Roman afterward. Things got a little fuzzy after that.

He could vaguely recall sitting in the back of Roman's truck with Edward, hanging on for dear life as he did donuts around the empty parking lot, kicking up gravel. He also remembered taking another dose when he started thinking about Sebastian. He couldn't stop the guilt of leaving him from taking over his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about how messed up Sebastian must have been, whereas Aiden was out with his friends like nothing had happened. Eventually, those thoughts disappeared, and his world began to blur as the drugs and alcohol mixed. 

He had vague images in his mind of some bushes on the lake, covered in vommit and spilled beer. He could also clearly picture dark hair and beaded earrings brushing his cheek as his lips pressed against soft brown skin. He didn't remember much past that.

He finally sat up his eyes, watering a little due to how bright everything was. Fighting back nausea, he looked at his surroundings. He had to say he couldn't help feeling relieved he had woken up inside this time. Would have been nice if it was his own bed or even one of his friend's couches, but being inside and dry was a blessing.

The room was painted light blue and covered in gorgeous tapestries. There was an easel sitting in the corner and a half finished painting sitting upon it. The bedsheets were gray, and there was a gorgeous handmade quilt laying over his shirtless body. He finally gained the nerve to look beside him and sighed a little in relief. Laying beside him was a beautiful girl wrapped up in his shirt. Her makeup was smudged from the night before, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun that was coming undone. Olivr shifted a little, pulling the blanket tighter around her, and Aiden smiled. He mentally patted himself on the back while simultaneously wishing he remembered even the tiniest of details from the night before.

He glanced around once more, looking for any clues as to how he had gotten here or how far things had really gone. He groaned, rubbing his temples to soothe his headache and blinking the blurriness away from his eyes. He looked over at the bedstand where his wallet and phone sat alongside two condom wrappers and a black plastic bottle with the label ripped off.

He looked over at the mirror hanging above Olive's desk, facing the bed. He squinted a little, noticing his messy hair and the mix of red marks and bruises down his neck and chest. Some were old, some new. He could see his jeans lying on the floor alongside Olive's shirt and bra.

He sighed and laid back into the soft assortment of pillows and closed his eyes for a few moments, taking long and slow breaths to relax himself. This definitely wasn't the worst situation he had found himself in. He was just relieved to not he wasn't back at Sebastian's. That seemed to be a risk every time he blacked out.

He jumped a little as he felt a hand on his bare chest, and Olive's body pressed into him. She laid one of her bare legs across him as she rested her head on his shoulder, her feathery dark hair tickling his skin a little as the hair tie fell further down. She was so warm compared to him, and he had to stop himself from clinging to her to absorb it.

"Osda sanalei," She whispered, nuzzling into him. His heart was screaming. His chest felt tight, and he found himself scrambling for words. Any confidence he had felt from the pills or alcohol was nowhere to be found, and he found himself dreading whatever stupid shit could leave his mouth. Aiden paused for a moment before clearing his throat.

"I'm not Cherokee," He admitted, pushing her hair out from her eyes and grabbing the hairtie that had nearly fallen completely out. 

"Creek or Seneca?" she guessed, and he shook his head, placing the hair tie in her palm. She smiled a little.

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