Chapter 28: Online Dating

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"Did you see Aimie today?" Alice asks when we're back.
"Yeah.." I sigh.
"And?" She comes over and sits by me.
She tilts my chin, forcing me to look her in the eyes.
"She's twenty one. I'm fourteen. Seven years difference." I lay my head on the table.
"She probably wasn't even a lesbian." Alice smiles.

"You don't have to be gay to date a girl. She could be bi, pansexual, anything." I exclaim.
"Chill, you'll find a girlfriend. Emmett has an idea." She blurts.
"What idea? Emmett finding me a girlfriend does not sound fun." I say.
"Yeah, well you know..." She waves her hand as if to say, 'meh'

"Alice, what idea does he have in mind?" I'm worried now.
"Online dating I think." She says calmly, not even looking at me.
"Yeah...okaay, I am officially zoning out of this conversation." I jump of my stool and try looking for Emmett. I find him in the library, playing chess with Rosalie.
"Oi! Chunk!" I shout across the room. He looks up startled.

"Dude, seriously, this is supposed to be a library. Keep your voice down." He smiles. He lifts his hand up for a high five. I slap it down on the desk.
"Uh uh, no you don't." I tease.
"What's wrong, Curly?" He asks, all I'm-so-innocent.
"What's this about online dating? What the hell?" I shout.
"Uh, Jared, you need to find a mate." Rosalie buts in.
"Was I talking to you, Princess flower girl?" I ask, smiling.

"I'm just saying, we need you to find someone." She tried again.
"I'm fourteen!" I laugh and sit down next to Emmett. His slings his arm around my shoulders.
"Babe, you've been a vamp for 48 years." Emmett kisses my hair. "Eww, perv alert! Get off!" I shove him and he tickles me playfully.

"Seriously though, we should get things started up." He sits up. "What? I can't, I'm too young to do online dating!" I protest.
"Oh come on, Curly. It'll be a good laugh." He opens up his laptop.
"Fine, what first?" I ask.
"Your profile picture. Come on, Curly, smile for the camera!"

Really Emmett?

Jared Whitlock; Daughter of Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now