Chapter 49: The Enemy

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"What? Jared, who, why are we dying?" He holds my shoulders, peering into my eyes. I press my lips together. I can't stop trembling. "Jared, say something." He commands, desperately. Esme comes closer. "Maybe I should find Jasper?" She suggests and Carlisle looks at her like she's mad. "Jasper won't get a word out of her, get some water, call Reeve." He mutters urgently. Esme nods and gets to work.

Carlisle sets to rubbing my back, smoothing my hair. Even as a vampire, I still had rare panic attacks. "It's ok, Jared." He grimaces. Apart from the sound of Esme on the phone, everything's silent. "Well this is great." Rosalie pipes up sarcastically. Carlisle looks up, almost as a warning, but of course, Rosalie ignores it.

"She exposes herself and now we're all going to die. What did I tell you, double the catastrophe." She looks right at me. I peer up bravely. "Rose, I'm not going to lie, I am not your biggest fan. Emmett's great, but you're a 1st class BITCH." Carlisle looks at me but doesn't comment. It feels great to get that out there. "You're trouble, Jared." She spits. "Just like your mother."

That did it.

I threw myself at her properly, forgetting Jasper's words from before. I hit at her again and again, while Carlisle grips me and tries to pull me away. I shriek and yell at her. "How dare you compare me to that monster!!" I growl. Esme rushes in, straight off the phone. "You're a sick, cruel, nasty piece of work. Homophobic, manipulating and you treat Bella like crap!" She winces at this.

"Jared, sweetheart, just walk away." Carlisle's voice is at my ear, doing his level best to control me, but I won't be fazed. I continue. "You don't even respect my relationship with Reeve. It's been two months, we're so strong."
Carlisle pulls and we collapse on the floor. I jump up immediately and
I eventually just walk away, outside, into the woods, further until I reach the meadow.

I sit down in the grass. I have vague memories of Edward taking me here when I was about eight, maybe nine. It had been a few weeks after joining the Cullens and Edward and I had already formed a friendship.

I remember sitting beside him, making daisy chains, feeling the wind blow on my face. It was a cool summers day, back in those days, where everything was so uncomplicated and straight forward. Apart from losing my mother (which wasn't much of a blow) I had a great life. Of course, me and Jasper drifted, we spent less time together. Then Peter and Charlotte came along.

Life was so easy, Rose wasn't such a pain then. It's so peaceful, I could stay here for hours......

"Hello my darling." I gasp and turn around abruptly.
Oh God.
Reeve's uncle. Him of all people.
No, why is he...why are they here?
"What...what did I do?" I stutter. He smiles his twisted, sadistic smile. The wind blows his dark hair, which could easily be the hood of his cloak.  "This is my meadow, mine and Edward's special place." My voice is small, pathetic. He smirks and steps forward. "I'd like to ask you something...."


Jasper P.O.V

I step into the living room to find Rose on the couch, Esme's arm around her. Your daughter needs a lesson or two on manners!" Rose growls. I step back, whoa. "What's happened?" I ask, rushing to Esme. "They argued, mentioned we were going to die. Rose compared Jared to Maria." She summarises, while I growl. "Jared is nothing like her. She's a great kid."
"Where is she?" I ask.

Rose scowls. "Took off to the meadow." Alice rushes in, looking frantic. "The Volturi, Jared, they've got Jared." She collapses and sobs. I run out quickly towards the woods.

Damn, it's ok Jared, I'm coming

Jared P.O.V

"Don't even think about screaming, girl," The blonde haired vampire hisses. Aro holds up his hand in warning. "Come with us and you won't be harmed." He smiles. I nod, I don't want to die. "I'll come with you." I decide. Aro smiles triumphantly. "Good girl." Felix grabs my arm. "Besides," Caius adds. "What choice do you have?"

Jared Whitlock; Daughter of Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now