Imagine 18

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"Helloo Earth to Angelinaa!!" My friend Thiasse waved in my face obnoxiously.

I immediately snapped back into reality from my scattered thoughts, and my snapchat.

"You ok Ang?" She quickly glanced down at my phone before looking back at me unapprovingly.

"So what's keeping you on snapchat all day and night these days Ang? I thought you hated snapchat. Remember when I had to fight you just to download it?" She mentioned, crossing her arms.

"Nothing Ty, you know things change. I've just followed some more interesting people and their snaps are fun to watch that's all." I lied through my teeth, hoping she would buy it.

"I guess. So how about we hit the bar across the street tonight, we all know who can use a little alcohol in their pure system for once," She said swishing her hips around.

"Ty noo you know exactly how I feel about drinking I just can't do it."

"Come onn please. Just tonight, one night. I promise nothing will happen Ang."

"Ty," I sigh while running my fingers through my hair.

"Ang please. Just let go for once." she said resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Fine. But you have to let me get my own self read, I can't help you, you can't help me." I respond.

"Deal." She stormed upstairs excitedly.

I let out a sigh of relief.

At least I bought myself some time to snap back my new friend on Snapchat.

He never told me his name, which I thought was weird, but at the same time kept me intrigued in getting to know him even more.

I opened up my stories, and I saw a new snap from him.

"I'm going to the bar with my friends tonight so I most likely won't be able to snap you tonight," He said, his hazel eyes gleaming on the dim lighting wherever he was. His eyes. I could get lost in them each and everytime they would appear in my screen.

I immediately made a snap back.

I tousled my hair before turning on my camera.

"Really? Which bar because my friend and I will be attending a bar in Barcelona as well!" I sent it.

He immediately snapped me back. "Clube Midnight." This time it was a picture of him shirtless. Oh my god. Not only the picture, but the fact that he was going to be at the same club as me!

To see this anonymous, hot, snapchat boy in real life would be amazing.

Let me explain our relationship.

It all started 3 months ago. Yes 3...


"I don't understand why they had to empty the whole amusement park just because of some stupid Football team!" Thiasse complained throwing her hands in the air.

"I know, it's not like we're gonna attack them or something. They're human just like us, no different." I added.

"Home we go then I guess," Thiasse said bummed.

"Yeah. This sucks," I responded.

We got in the car, I turned on the radio and blasted the music loud.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my back pocket notifying me of a notification.

I glanced at my screen,
'Anonymous_junior' has sent you a snap!

It was a photo of a handsome tan boy lying on a beach chair shirtless with sunglasses on.

'Hey what's up?' His snap read.

I looked at the text weirdly because what is this handsome boy snap chatting me out of the blue for?

"What's the weird look for?" Ty asked from the drivers seat.

"Nothing nothing." I flustered.

She just shrugged and kept driving.

I snapped a pic of myself and snapped back.

'Hi I guess😂'

'Linda😍😘' He snapped back quickly. I gasped quietly because no one has actually called me beautiful directly like that. Im starting to like this guy already.

I ended up snapping him the whole ride home, and when we got home, I stayed up all night snapping him back. We had a few.... interesting conversations.

However, it wasn't until a month into our little snapchat friendship until things got a bit, explicit.

We would talk all day, then near midnight when we were both alone, we would send each other pictures of one another in our undergarments, so I guess you could say phone sex almost.
*Flashback End*

I know you're probably thinking I'm a hoe and stuff like that, but if a handsome ass anonymous boy was snapping you pics of his six pack and v-line and being flirty with his words you'd do the same.

I snapped a video of me biting my bottom lip and making a duck face and captioning it 'Can't wait to see you tonight' .

He snapped back quick, as always.

'You too, hope you wear something sexy so it'll be even easier to notice you,' It was a video of him lying down on a bed, sending a cheeky wink.

I closed the app from keeping myself from sending anymore snaps so I could get ready for an interesting night.


Hey guys! So I'm in a rush and can't finish this one at the moment, so probably I'll finish it sometime tomorrow. is it good? I hope.
Plz don't forget to vote and comment, I love reading all the comments❤️

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