19. Sin City and Tapes

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My brother's funeral went by quickly.

For everyone else.

But for me, I've been living in this hell since last night, and now, twelve hours later, this hell feels as though it's been going on forever.

We gathered at the secluded Family Dome inside the mansion borders at exactly two hours past noon. Nicolas was buried next to our great grand father, Nicolas Gaylner The First.  His children and wife mourned so bitterly that it hurt me to know he was actually planning on leaving them for a life with Maya Pascal.

My father was stoic the entire time. Claudia Ameriano had been by his side, the sight of it didn't sit well with me at all but then again, does it really matter?

The ceremony was very private.

Close family, friends  and associates were communing with us.

A reporter from the New York times was also present.

Outside our mansion was atleast ten thousand people paying respect to Nicolas Galyner, the most beloved man in Las Vegas, who's sudden death and burial has shocked everyone in this city.

The scandal of "The Fremont tragedy" hit the media outlets this morning, two innocent civilian were killed, many injured, of course this family couldn't risk being linked to that crime, so instead, Nicolas was reported to have been found dead at home, in his bathtub , cause of death, a sudden stroke.

We all paid our last respects before his body descended to the ground.

I went back to my office with a heaviness in my chest , contemplating everything silently.

Could it be true? That he isn't really my brother? Could it have been possible that Nicolas and I never shared the same womb? How could he have kept that from me? After everything we've been through, he's been the closest person to my heart but I'm not sure if I was ever his!

I must find out the whole truth from Maya....

The recording of Paris' suffering should be enough to make Maya break.

I just know it.

"Jonathan!" I called for him from across the room.

He was sited at the bar in my office, downing a whiskey bottle as I sat on the sofa.


"Is Paris killian awake?"

Jonathan looked back at me, "She's still under medical watch, after that seizure she's had, who knows when she's getting out of that coma."

"Was it that serious?" I asked.

He scoffed, "What do you think? You tried to kill her."

I didn't.

"I wasn't intending for her to get that way."

"Come on uncle, from the very second you learned she's here, all you've been trying to do is end her life."

"Not exactly!" I said, "I wanted to use her to get to Maya. I don't actually care whether or not she's alive or dead. I wouldn't really go out of my way to kill a nobody like Paris killian."

Jonathan's gaze deepened, "That innocent girl was begging you to stop hurting her as she bleed to no end, and all you could do is add to her suffering until she almost died. And for what? Did any of that bring Nicolas back from the grave?"

"Watch your words." I warned.

He stopped talking.

"I'm paying Maya and Lana a visit , give me a call as soon as Paris killian wakes up. Also, have her moved from the servants quarters into my bedroom tonight. She'll be sleeping with me tonight."

"Why?" Jonathan seemed worried again. "Leave her alone. She's too delicate for whatever it is you're going to want to do with her."

What exactly does he think I'm going to do with her?

"Make no demands Jonathan, just do as I say." I finalized, walking out.

Jared was by the door waiting, "What's next boss?"

"I have somewhere to be, watch over Jonathan. Make sure he doesn't leave the house. "

"Yes sir."


Maya , who was brought unconscious to our secret quarters near Nevada borders was finally awake. I found her and Lana under close surveillance in a cellar.

I left them with a doctor and nurse to watch over them, two security guards and my well trained hell hound. Between them and the city is over a thousand kilometers of uninhabited lands. So if they try to escape "which is impossible", there is no where to go and no help. With the kind of wounds Maya has , she wouldn't last three miles.

"How are you girls?" I asked.

Lana was sited besides Maya's bed, looking over her sick friend.

"I'm speaking to you." I stood by the window, a few feet away from them. The cellar was as good as empty per usual, only a bunk bed and a chair , with a small tv by the corner. That's all they need anyways.

"She almost died, are you even aware?" Lana uttered.

"I pulled the trigger, so we both know the answer to that."

"Is Nic-holas reall_y dead ?" Maya's voice cracked , she sounded weak, fragile. Which is good, she won't be a tough nut to crack.

I threw the newspaper I was holding onto the floor, "See for yourself."

Lana looked at it and then back at me.

"Go ahead, pick it up." I said to her. "Maya wants to know if her lover is truly dead."

Maya's tears began to fall, "No, don't show me."

"And why not? You were planning to ran away with my brother , leaving his wife and kids behind. Now you can't even face the consequences of both your actions." I reminded.

"I had n-o idea of exactly wha_t he was planning. If I'd know_n it would cost him his life, I w-would've talked him out of this."

"You had no idea? Are you sure?" I questioned, "You are linked to this incidence, how else would I have found you? You're name is written all over this scandal. First you had an affair with him, plotted to elope together, he makes deals with Russians and Arabians for the sake of billions he'll us to finance your life together, he died because of you."

"Bullshit." Lana rants, "Nicolas has himself to blame. If you're finding another woman to bare the sins of men, go search else where, not here."

I have no time to engage in a turn of words with this girl.

I walking ovee to the tv, took out the tape of Paris' horrid experience and put it on scene for them.

"I'll get going now. It's best to leave you two watch something on the tv, I'll be back in a minute, hopefully by then you will both be ready to talk something with more sense. Enjoy the show. It's on a loop by the way."

I saw myself out the door, right at the time the video began to play.

The video  included everything I'd done to Paris killian, on a constant loop. To play on the screen day in and day out for her friends to witness, I'll be back tomorrow morning. I'm sure this entire night is enough for Maya to make up her mind on whether she's going to talk or not. She'll be making that decision while watching her friend getting tortured.


Any thoughts?


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