5. Sin city and Trouble at first sight

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Malcolm Erin

There was no doubt about it. That's the mayor's son, the one and only. You could spot him anywhere because of the intensity of his amber eyes, his brown complexion that matched so perfectly with the colour of his pitch black hair and his large mascular frame Is something you wouldn't miss.

But why is he here? God! and why did he just strike our guard down? What's his motive? Why is he covered in blood, smoking anger detectable from his fierce gaze but most of all, his rifle? I don't think I've ever seen a rifle so huge before.  He's going to kill me with that? Why? I could feel my tears dripping onto my cheeks. Am I at the wrong place at the wrong time once again? I should've never opened my door, but there's no time for regrets now. It's time for my last prayers to the heavens above. I'm not a saint , but for my soul's sake, may I be accepted into a better realm. I don't think I'm gonna like hell. That's not the place for me.

I swallowed hard as my heart clinched within my chest. I can't even move my hands nor my legs. I feel so paralyzed within my body from fear. I have a pistol in hand but I'm too terrified to even lift it and shoot. One wrong move and I'll be united with the dead sooner than anticipated.

I watch with despair as Malcom Erin moves towards the crime scene or is it murder scene, my gut twists. I think I'm going to throw up. I try to move but I'm stuck in my shoes. I curse at myself from the inside. What the hell is happening to me? Why won't the shock filter off already? Why won't my nerves settle down? I feel so over whelmed by the adrenaline but instead of fleeing from the source of danger, I'm standing here as though trapped.

I can actually taste Fredrick's blood on my mouth. It's honestly disgusting that his blood had to splash on my face of all places. But that shouldn't be my concern, the guy might be dying or even dead already.

Malcom's eyes meet my gaze and I'm a goner. God knows I can't even look away. The allure of his orbs might be everybody's undoing and I'm no exception. Why would God bless anyone so vile and wicked a gaze like that?

If I couldn't move then, I won't be moving now either. Not when Malcolm is willing me to stand still with just one glance. He scares me so much . And this gaze makes it worse, its cold and empty and I'm sure and certain that he won't leave me breathing.

He approaches me unwavering and closes the distance between us. His body towers over me with intimidation as I'm at one level with his clothed chest. Malcolm is extremely tall, and the heavy clothes he is wearing makes him seem bigger than what I assume him to be. He fits perfectly on the description Fredrick gave me earlier of a man lingering outside the complex. It was Malcolm. He was the man lurking around our building. My fear increases.

My lungs are burning because of my failure to breathe. I don't think I've ever been this terrified in my entire twenty two years of life.

His large bloody hand captures my chin tightly and lifts my head up to be in nose level with him. It's like he is lifting me with the way he grabs onto my chin and I'm tiptoed.

I can smell the reek of people's blood on him and I whimper, parting my lips but unable to inhale nor exhale. I sense my eyes burning and my chest tightening from lack of oxygen but I can't control my body. I can't even blink the tears away.

"Breathe." His rusty voice commands and just like that, my lungs obey and I start gasping for air. My breathing is incoherent and my trembling is intensified and I know for a fact that I'm about to fall on my jelly legs as the weakness evolves around me.

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