Battle Aftermath

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King stared at the sun shining through his bedroom window, glaring at it.

"Curse you for waking me up." He muttered playfully.

He'd gotten used to this for keeping his curtains partially open most of the time. He'd really have to invest in some blackout curtains pretty soon.

As he headed outside his room, he noticed Purple's door already open.

Awake already? That's weird for him.

King stepped into the kitchen, noticing Purple sitting at the table, head in his arms.

"Your up early." He commented.

"Couldn't sleep." Purple grumbled tiredly.

Well, as uncommon as they were recently, it wasn't common for Purple to be awake because of a nightmare or something.


"One of the reasons. Had another one of those stupid visions."

"Are you sure your okay?"

Purple finally looked up at him. "I don't even know anymore. I just keep getting plagued with the same vision over and over with me being under their stupid brainwashing or controlling spell or whatever they wanna do to me!"

"They're not gonna hurt you, I promise."

"I'm aware. Since according to Second, I kicked her ass."

"You probably did."

"Did not. I just disintegrated her with a laser."

That brought up all-too familiar memories. "Don't we all know that feeling."

Purple let his head fall back into his arms.


"I'm fine."

"You sure?" King hated how much worry was coating his voice.

Then again, he was used to it.

"I'm fine." Purple shot him a reassuring smile.

Despite his doubts, King returned it.

"Someone finally got some sleep." Red noted as Second walked into the kitchen.

"Shut it. Your the one who won't let me put noise blocking foam pads in Green's room." Second grumbled.

"I had a really good song last night and needed to test the notes!" Green snapped from the table.

"Yeah, and I'm sure it wad loud enough where King and Purple heard it from Stick City!"

"I doubt it."

"Shut up, you green grape."

"So it's only fair we call Purple a red grape!" Green joked.

"If Purple heard that, I swear he'd be held back by King threatening to set you on fire."

"Damn it. Forgot he could do that."

"Of course you did."

Despite King's reassurances, Purple was still deathly quiet for most of the day.

He knew how badly the visions bother the child, especially once he figured out that he was basically up for murder and possibly becoming a puppet for some stupid plan.

Purple sat on the couch, stared intently at a wall for a while before King snapped him out of it.

"Hey, kid, you alright?"

"Huh-oh, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine."

"Your sure."

"Yes, King. I'm sure." Purple said it with such reassurance that it almost reminded him of Navy's casual tone in such dire situations.

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