Keep-Away, Part 2

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"It's gonna be a fight to find Sunny. Knowing these guards, we cod be fighting Sunny at any point, so try to dodge the attacks and not hit any of them. If you think one of them is Sunny, attack them and rip their hood off. While me and Red fight them off, Willow is going to sneak into the lab next to this cell block and grab anything of use."

Purple may not have had his memories, but he seemed to know the layout of the base by heart.

Red silently theorized that Navy had changed the potions formula to make it so he could easily brainwash Purple if he needed to.

Perhaps Navy was making this easier on himself.

"How'd you think of something so fast?" Willow asked, clearly surprised by Purple's fast-gained knowledge.

"Not sure. Just seemed to know where everything is."

Red smirked. They had this in the bag.

Guards were vacant of the entire area, giving them all a chance to sneak onto the lab to find anything useful.

Willow had a vague idea of the kinds of potions Navy used to give him an advantage in almost anything. As if he was planning something much bigger.

"I think I found something." Willow held up a splash potion bottle with some weird color thay looked odd with the darkness.

"The fuck is that?" Red asked.

"It's some type of memory potion, I think." Willow said.

Red jumped up. "Give it!" He snatched the potion, and upon closer look, noticed it was a dark lavender color.

"Please work. Purple, brace yourself."

Purple blinked at him. "For what-"

"Willow, get down!" Red backed up a few feet before tossing the bottle.

Purple clouds filled the air, and Redsilently prayed for this to work and not attract any guards.

Explaining Willow was going to be the easiest part of the essay he could fill with a recap.

Once the smoke clouds cleared, Purple blinked. "The hell did I miss?"


"Where are King and the others, and who is she?" Purple pointed at Willow.

"Purple! You got your memories back!" Red exclaimed.

"The fuck happened?"

"Navy happened." Willow grumbled from behind them."


"He erased your memories, sent guards after you, and here we are. This is Willow. She's an undercover spy for us." Red explained.

"Wow. I miss a lot."

"Not a lot, but quite a bit," Willow said. "But now that his memories are back, let's get out of here."

"We're going to what now?"

Dark had been very confused about the entire thing, knowing the consequences about going into people's memories. Breaking one thing could set off a chain reaction that could permanently change that person forever.

And seeing as they dodged a bullet the last time they went into Purple's memories, they couldn't take any chances.

"We're not going to mess anything up this time, Dark. It's not the end of the world." Second reassured.

"We barely dodged a bullet last time!" Dark snapped back. "Had King done one thing wrong, Purple would've been completely different! We can't risk changing anything!"

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