Mindscape, Part 2

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According to Yellow's research, and Purple's own experiences, the void was vast, empty, quiet, and black.

Somehow, this didn't seem like Yellow's research had been proven right in any way, shape or form.

Everything was white, a complete change from every other time he'd been in the void.

This was a surprise. Had his mindset changed from the last battle he'd had with Navy and the others?

It couldn't have changed that much! After all, the void was mainly just him and his own problems, and they couldn't have just vanished into thin air.

The battle and the attack on the desktop was barely a month apart! Sure, he'd been doing better within that time frame, but he was still being plagued by visions every so often, and they were really getting on his nerves.

And messing up his sleep schedule, if he were being brutally honest.

"Alright, Navy. Why don't we end this, once and for all?" He shouted into nothing. "I've already figured out your genius secret weapon, so there's only so much you can do!"

Suddenly, the area went black, leaving the pink petals he knew so well.

"Now that's the void I remember." He muttered to himself.

Now, the only thing missing was Navy.

Navy and his stupid lies that couldn't get him much farther. As long as they knew Night Shade was their hidden secret weapon, they couldn't get this done and over with much farther.

"For all I know, the best thing to do would be to kill Night Shade first," He said to himself, thinking of a plan that would hopefully work out in the end. "Then kill Navy and Orchid and then all my problems will be over!"

"Nice thinking, but not great thinking at the same time." Navy's booming voice came. It came from all sides and it was so loud, he couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from!

"Shit." Purple tried focusing his powers back into main point, but they weren't functioning.

Had his powers gone completely out of whack following the amnesia bout?

Were they just completely out of focus? Were they gone entirely?

"Come on. Why won't you work?!" He muttered to himself, realizing how big of a loss he was at.

Without his powers, stopping this guy was going to be twice as difficult.

"Come on, please! I can't stop him unless you work! Now please, do something!"

His powers had to work! They just had to!

Without them, he wouldn't be able to stop Navy, or Orchid, or Night Shade!

He'd be stuck here forever, the world would be destroyed, and the others would die!

He couldn't risk that again.

"Come on, come on...I can't risk losing the others again."

Being so focused on trying to get his powers to work, Purple didn't realize Navy was shooting a fireball at him.


Purple glanced up, barely dodging the attack the second he saw it.

"What the hell was that?" He asked himself.

The voice sound incredibly familiar, though...

Was that...?

"Dark and Second?"

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