A Sinister Note

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The room falls into such a tense silence that Red's animals can be heard from three floors down.

All taking in Purple's quiet, but ground-breaking statement.

"...Your serious, right? Is he just...out of it entirely, or is he actually serious?" Green asked, looking at Fern in complete denial.

"I ran test after test on him, and they all came up with the same result. He has amnesia." Fern said sadly.

"No. You've got to be lying! Purple can't have amnesia!" King had just as much denial running through his blood as Green did, and nobody could believe something so blatant, but so out of reach.

Purple. Sweet, innocent, Purple, who had done nothing wrong in his entire life yet blamed himself for so many things.

This just couldn't be true.

"Fern. You can't be serious. We've been best friends since high school. You can't just put this on me."

"Well, I didn't expect you to have such a strong attachment to a child with such complicated family problems! Or have a kid in general, for that matter, after what happened to Gold."


"What, child?!"

"Do you understand how much this "child with such complicated family problems" MEANS to him?!" Green snapped. "How much hell King has put himself through so that Purple both stays safe, and has people that care about him!"


"Do you realize what his parents can do?! They could kill him! Use him as a puppet toy! And as if this isn't already world-shattering enough for him! Purple is going to die if we don't stop this, and that's going to be even worse for a guy who already had to watch Gold die in front of him, was almost completely engulfed in rage at himself if Purple had died back in the Nether, and if Navy hadn't let him go free...Purple would have died."

Fern stepped out of the room, leaving Green and King alone with the confused Purple.

"Oh, God...what are we going to do..?"

"Green, chill," Second reassured. "We'll figure something out. I promise."

"Hey, guys! There's a weird ass note out here!"

King and the others bolted out of the room, Second helping Purple follow them, and they all dashed outside.

Being met with a tab with a sinister note.

Your beloved child will soon join us in The Great Above, King.

"I'm sorry, the what?!" Second snapped.

"The hell is the great above?!" Blue added in just as much confusion.

"Guys, shut up so I can read it!" Sapphire screamed.

Once the amnesia spell has been complete, we will send for guards to retrieve the child and bring him to our base. Nobody and nothing will stop them or get in their way.

From there, the brainwashing spell will be placed into action, and the ascent to The Great Above will begin.

Though there was no signature at the bottom, they all knew exactly who it was from and what was about to happen.

Just as Sapphire finished reading the note, the widget opened, revealing four guards, decked out with weapons and capture tactics.

The others backed up.


Even with Purple having amnesia, King did everything in his power to protect him.

And despite Purple having no idea who he was right then and there, he went along with it, assuming the intruders were bad people who would hurt him.

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