Red Stained Disappearances

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Once the guards made off with Purple and Red, what remained of the group's order was quickly diminished.

What was left of the Color Gang began freaking out with a few moments, mostly at Yellow for stupidly letting them get captured.

"I was not the cause for Red's capture!" Yellow shouted. "He chased after the guards and ended up being captured with Purple!"

"And the reason he went up there is YOU let him get captured by stupidly blowing up the barrier that we specifically had put between Purple and the guards so he WOULDN'T get captured! You severed that barrier, and Purple was captured. Therefore, both of them were captured because of YOU!"

"I thought the electrification command would prevent the bars from being damaged!" Yellow snapped. "I didn't expect them to be that weak!"

"They handled my pickaxe just fine!" Green shouted.

"Oh, bullshit it handed your DIAMOND pickaxe! This is a block of TNT, not a pickaxe!" Blue shot back.

"Stay out of this, drug addict!" Green retorted. The three were getting on each others nerves.

"Says Purple's so-called best friend who couldn't even rescue him from some stupid guards!"

"GUYS!" Second screamed. The other three sticks jumped and quieted down.

"Fighting isn't going to help their situations!"

Green and the other two glared at each other and pointed an accusing finger at Yellow. "He started it."


"He did!"

"Oh, it's because he let your best friend get captured?! My best friend's capture is completely unrelated, so leave him alone!"


"Green. Cut the guy some slack," Chosen muttered. "It's not his fault we're in this predicament."


"Green, drop it."


"Just...drop it. Please. We're all tired and scared and worried, and we don't want a fight breaking out. So let's just calm down and separate, and we'll figure out what the hell this whole "Great Above" is in the morning, okay?"

Green's anger fizzled, and he shot another glare at Yellow. "Fine."

The house was relatively quiet for the next few hours after Green's shouting match with Yellow. Most of them had retreated to their rooms afterwards to cool down.

Or at least try to, which is what Second wanted.

Everyone else was trying to figure out what the Great Above was, not like they had much to go off of.

"Maybe it's another dimension?" Sapphire suggested.

"That's our only likely idea, since heaven seems a little to overshot." Chosen added.

"So we'd need a way to open it." King continued.


"Navy and Orchid. They obviously have all the answers to where this other dimension is, so we just have to locate them."

"How? DNA?" Dark asked.

"Or we try their ocean base again." Second said.

"Their what?"

"Where they were hiding while Night Shade was murdering you guys," Second continued. "They've gotta have something about the Great Above if they don't have anything about that weird rock formation."

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