Mindscape, Part 1

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King sighed, staring at the sunrise reflecting onto the ocean.

Dark and Second had given themselves a head start, having left the previous day to make sure the plan they had come up with worked.

King and the others left the next day, leaving a note for Alan to prevent another freak out and subsequent explanation that would take hours to sort out, and decided to head towards the base to fight Orchid and Night Shade.

And maybe Navy, depending on if Navy was going to tap into Purple's head or not.

After a few hours, they had gotten a boat made(since Second and Dark were using the boat they had built with Purple), and were halfway between land and the base.

And they were getting pretty sick of each other.

Although King had spent most of his time thinking about if Purple was still alive(or even already having been turned into a puppet, he didn't know), the remainder of Second's friends had gone from radio silent to not going a second without fighting.

Whether it was worry, or boredom, King only knew Green was the source.

Damn child was so worried about Purple and Second, the others were getting sick of him constantly being a disaster.

King was almost the splitting image, only hiding his worry by taking the leader role and coming up with all the plans and sorting everything out.

Trying not to be constantly worried and overprotective of Purple was really difficult when he was pretty much up for murder.

Chosen was standing by, waiting to jump in and break up this fight, one of the most intense fights and if they were anywhere closer to Navy's base, King would've been impressed they weren't caught.

"For the last time, we're aware Purple is up for murder, but we need you to make distractions!" Blue said.

"How can I make a distraction when my best friend could be dead?!"

"Your point makes no sense, I doubt it would even make an essay topic," Yellow grumbled, clearly sick of the fighting. "Just please go with King's plan and assigned roles for our sake!"


"Because this bickering isn't getting us anywhere!" King snapped. "Hell, if we were even closer to Navy's base than we are now, I'd be impressed you've gone this far without am end to your bickering!"

Cannot booms from above caught their attention.


"Way to go, Green. Now we're going to die." Blue deadpanned.

"Hooray, I'll join Purple in the afterlife." Green said, equally deadpan.

"I swear to Alan Becker, if you say my son is dead one more goddamn time-"

"King, face it! Your kid is probably dead and this entire mission is a setup to get Navy to us!" Green snapped.

"Green, stop it."


Another cannon boom.

"Well, if your theory is correct, we're about to." Yellow said.


Yellow kicked the boat into overdrive, speeding towards the smallest amount of land close to the base. "Get inside as fast as you can!"

King and the others stared at each other, the amount of guards telling then something.

They had a major problem on their hands.

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