Man Hunt

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I Have Finished the chapter finally so you should be able to read it in full


After my escape from the apartment building I have been pursued by the republic for the past hour and if I didn't find a way to lose them I would be caught soon. I ran across the metal roof of one of the many skyscrapers that were scattered across coruscant as several republic gunships surrounded me and shined there searchlight on me so they wouldn't lose me but I could sense something was wrong because they haven't tried to shoot me or ram me with there ships. I continued running across the sky scraper but I was force to stop when I reached the edge. I looked down the side and saw how far the drop was to the ground and I wasn't surprised when it was hundreds of meters, I looked back behind me and saw two of the gunships landing on the building and the other three surrounded me from above.

I turned around and faced the two gunships while thinking about a way to get out of this, the doors on the gunships slid open and out came 20 clones and three Jedi. "fuck, Roland download all the files to the satellite so they there not compromised" I ordered the AI, "yes sir right away, and may I suggest using your active camouflage when you jump off this building" Roland suggested. I though about it for a second but was cut short when one of the Jedi spoke "I am mace windu of the Jedi counsel and if you don't stand down we will use force" he said seriously, he then activated his purple light saber. The clones raised there blasters at me and I raised my hands above my head, the three Jedi started slowly walking forward along with the other clones.

"Roland eject the encounter chip" I said quietly as they stared to get close, I heard a satisfying ding through the speakers in my helmet then I held up my arm and yelled "wait".

They all stopped walking towards me and stared at me "are you surrendering" another young Jedi said with enthusiasm. "Sadly I can not, but I can give you this" I responded to the young Jedi's question, I reached to the back of my helmet with my right arm and grabbed a chip.

I looked at mace windu then threw the chip at him, "now what you do with it is up to you and the rest of the Jedi" and with that said I activated my active camouflage and jumped off the edge of the skyscraper. I looked back up at the ledge as I fell and saw several blue lasers shoot into the air, I looked back towards the ground and activated my jet pack again. The active camouflage made me disappear as the gunships that flew down after me couldn't see me. I easily escaped after that and flew away into the coruscant skyline.

I watched as the mysterious armored man cloaked himself and jump off the edge of the building, the clones fired at where he was but I already know he escaped. The clones and the other two Jedi raced to the edge to try and spot the armored man but he was cloaked and you could not see him.

The clone captain ran back to master windu to tell him "it seems we have lost him master Jedi" the clone said with disappointment in his voice. "ramp up patrols and searches, and stop anyone who has that armor and helmet, bring him to the Jedi counsel if you find him" I ordered the clone captain "yes sir" he said then ran over to one of the two gunships.

I looked at the chip that the mysterious armored man gave to me 'now what you do with it is up to you and the rest of the Jedi'. I looked up from the chip and saw the other two Jedi walk up to me. "Now what are we going to do with that" a younger Jedi asked curiously, I looked at
her "like the man said, it's up to us"


When master windu made it back to the Jedi temple he set off to find Yoda, he needed to talk with him about the chip that was given him. He walked to the Jedi counsel cambers but Yoda wasn't there so he had to search the rest of the temple find him. He searched many places but he finally found him in the back of the temple archives reading an old and rare paper document. Windu walked up behind Yoda and was about to speak but Yoda held up his hand telling me to wait.

Windu stood there for a few minutes waiting for Yoda to finish reading the document but at the moment his patients was running thin "Master Yoda I need to speak with you urgently" he said impatiently. Yoda didn't do anything at first but after a few seconds he looked back at Windu, "I see you have return from your chase, what have you bring" Yoda asked with a smile. Windu grabbed the chip from his pocket and held it out to him "he gave me this, and said that it's up to us on what we do with it", Yoda got out of his chair with a grunt then slowly walked up to him and gently grabbed the chip from his hand. Yoda looked at the chip then back up at Windu "to the counsel cambers we must go" Yoda said seriously.

_______Hundreds _of_miles _away____

I opened the door to my new temporary apartment and the smell of a clean room hit my nose, I walked in a saw the room looked nice and comfy, but I frowned because I had to leave coruscant in three days. I looked around the apartment a saw a computer in the back of the apartment near a window.

I locked the door behind me then walked over to a table on the left side of the room, I took off my coat and backpack and set them on the the medium sized table. I opened my backpack and grabbed my two light sabers that I had managed to smuggle out of the temple, I hooked both of them to my sides then walked over to the computer. I closed the blinds on the window then sat down on the chair by the computer, I turned it on and waited for it to start up. The screen turned on and I was surprised to see a message for me, it read 'Mrs. tano you will be meeting one of our agents and he will arrive at your apartment tomorrow afternoon, he will escort you to your ship and his callsign is rookie, contact us as soon as you can'.

Ashoka quickly closed the message after reading it and logged on to one of her several hidden online accounts. She quickly connected to the hidden UNSC satellite and a insignia with a Eagle appeared on the screen. she waited several minutes but she soon saw a room with one person sitting down behind a big table on the screen. The man looked up from his tablet and smiled when he saw her "ah Ashoka, I assume you got our message" the man asked, "I have lord hood, why did you need me to contact you" Ashoka responded. Lord Hood swiped at his tablet then looked back up at him "if you haven't already heard about the recent chase of a man in black and red armor across coruscant, that's the agent you'll meet tomorrow" he said seriously. Ashoka's eyes widened a little "you mean the man who killed senator maldona, he works for you" Ashoka said with shock in her voice. Lord Hood frowned "he was working with the sith lord palpatine to overthrow the republic and was going to use your own clone army to destroy the Jedi" he said with a frown.

Ashoka's eye's widened in disbelief and horror "palpatine...was a sith lord.....when did you find out" , Lord Hood looked at her and spoke again "we can talk about this later but right now I need you to focus, rookie will arrive at your apartment at 18:00 hours to take you to the ship so be ready, Hood out" and the line was cut

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