Goodbye for now.

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Hello everyone! Is your day going well? Yes? No? Well, you'll be disheartened to find that this is not a chapter update, but more of an announcement. And after contemplating this for quite some time, I have decided...


Yup, you heard it from me.

My first story on this site, started over three years ago, is no more.

One of the reasons why I'm cancelling this story is because I can't even look at the first few chapters with anything but disgust, I mean, I wasn't that good of writer back then, but holy shit were those chapters bad. I'm embarrassed every time I look at them, especially because those are the introductory chapters to the story, and after three years and ten chapters, I frankly don't have much of an interest in this story line anymore. However, the main reason why I'm cancelling this story is my rampant perfectionism, and I don't know enough about star wars or halo ship mechanics to crank out an accurate or good space battle on paper that I'll be satisfied with. As well as the hundreds of other factors I'll miss that the books and comics lay out.

I may possibly do a rewrite or something like that at some point in the future, but I don't know as of yet if I will.

What is written below is what the first part of chapter 10 would have been if I would have continued with this story, litterly copied and pasted from my google doc. Though I will warn you, it's a cliffhanger and not edited fully, so you'll have to speculate. Or you could just imagine the opening coruscant battle in episode 3, with the addition of sangheili and 3 sangheili assault carriers. (Halo 2 remastered space cutscene x coruscant space battle)

But don't be mad, new Halo/StarWars are popping up every day, and nothing ever lasts in the real world. So enjoy the new rounds of stories that are floating in from the thousands of other more talented writers on this site, and enjoy it while it lasts.

However, to all those who have read this story and retained interest in this little old story of mine, I thank you for reading! And I hope you all have a good night


_1 week later_

Outline: We open up to a pair of clones at an observation post in deep space, set to observe and monitor the area for any CIS ships, fleets, or hyperspace vectors that pass through the area. They were deep in republic space so any CIS incursion is highly unlikely.

Both of them are very bored, but at least one of them understands the importance of the task

"I can't believe I'm stuck here, I trained for a gunner position on one of the cruisers" he said with frustration.

"Well be glad you're not back with 99 razor, especially after that stunt you pulled" the other one said with annoyance.

"Like I said before, it was supposed to be a prank! Those damn bounty hunters couldn't possibly know what a prank was if it was staring them in the eyes" Razor said with irritation.

"You should've known better, those two have sticks up their asses twenty four seven" the other one said with irritation of his own.

"It was just-"

' . .BEEP.'

"What the hell!"

The console was going crazy as the stations sensors picked up signals and readings of all kinds, all of them belonging to the CIS. They both looked panicked as they began working the console, trying to find out the source as the one of the clones hit the stations alarm, red lights blaring throughout the station.

A proximity alarm light up the console and both of them quickly looked up and out the viewing port to see something that made them want to run. Ship after ship after ship appeared out of hyperspace, frigates, assault ships, droid carriers, command ships, everything. The mightiest fleet that has ever been deployed against the Republic in its thousand year life span.

"This isn't good, that's a separatist attack fleet big enough to assault coruscant " Razor said with dread.

"We're already stretched thin throughout the outer rim, we're not prepared for this" Flack said with fear.

"Quick, send a-AGH"

Razor died as a red saber burst through his chest, his life fleeing from him as he slumped against the chair.

"No!" Flack yells in fear.

The clone moved to get up, but it was a futile effort, the red saber only slicing through the rest of Razor and slicing Flack in half. Their deaths meaning nothing to the man who just killed them as there mutilated bodies fell to the floor. Several droids rushed forward, pushing the corpses out of the way and deactivating the stations security, not that it was effective in the first place.

The red lightsaber was deactivated and the figure brought out a small holo-communicator, the figure of General Grievous appearing in a blue tint.

"Maul will only hold their attention on Mandalore for so much longer" said the figure.

"My battle droids will keep them occupied until we attack" Grievous stated confidently.

"The Republic will meet their doom. Do not fail me this time Grievous, this will be our only chance" said the old and experienced leader of the CIS, Count Dooku.

"As you wish, Count Dooku" Grievous said with the bow of his head.

_CCS Cruiser_

_Message received from fragment,from inside the Jedi Temple_

_The message is as follows_

The Jedi High Council are thankful for what you have done for the Galaxy and its peoples, however, your methods of secrecy are counter to what the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order stand for. If the UEG and Sword of Sanghelios are to receive any help politically from the Jedi when you reveal yourselves to the Galaxy, you are to send your highest ranking member of both parties to the Jedi Temple immediately. Allowing us to discuss your future in this galaxy in an open setting.

_End of Message_

"Are you sure this is the message?" I asked with a growl.

"Yes sir. This is what they've sent. Which means that you and Akio will have to be the ones to go down there" Roland explained, the situation already obvious to me.

"I was afraid of that... " Akio said with a sigh.

"The separatists are expected to attack in time and they want me to play politics!" I said angrily as I turned away from the holotable.

I growled "I've already sent Ashoka to Mandalore along with that bounty hunter... " I said in a reserved tone.

"Then there is not much we can do Fleet Master." Akio said with a sigh.


Hope you like my unfinished and never to be finished chapter.

And just one last word before I'm gone.

After watching the season 7 trailer that had a female Mandalorian and Ashoka in it, two characters already somewhat connected in my story, I was stoked that I could basically shoe-horn in my story that somewhat correlated with cannon, but after going down several paths and considering the multiple factors, that proved impossible.

Hope you enjoyed and lets hope season seven is as good as the other six!

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