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Sorry for taking so long, And I know you all have the pitch forks and torches in the air but I hope you like it!!!

News of the chancellors killer escape from the planet spread throughout coruscant in a matter of hours. The public was angry about how two Jedi and a squad of clones failed to capture one man. The senate even put a 2 million credit bounty on his head and several bounty hunters from across the galaxy were searching for him and yet no one has found him.

"Ever since the armored man just disappeared after his almost failed escape the republic and its military have been searching nonstop for this criminal, if anyone has any tips on the matter you are to contact this number immediately" a long number appeared on the screen as the news report rung out.

This report was on every channel and almost everyone on coruscant has seen it, maybe the entire galaxy, and that little detail got someone in a lot of trouble.

"You were supposed to get off planet with little to NO contact with republic forces and NO attention from there media, now when we reveal ourselves relations will be even more strained thanks to you" Commander Hera yelled angrily through the monitor. Rookie almost winced at that but he held it in "I'm apologize mama but that was the only way to get off world in time" he said in monotone.

Hera scowled "you've done these types of extractions before Rookie, dozens, but the one that ABSOLUTELY required stealth and secrecy, you fuck up" Rookie stayed quite. A man walked up next to Hera and spoke in her ear, she looked panicked for a second but regain her composer "Rookie we'll continue this later but if you mess up this bad again it's a one way ticket out of the force" and with that the screen went black.

The Rookie stayed still for a few seconds then relaxed, he sighed tiredly then sat back down on his bed. For the last two days the sangheili and ONI have been giving him the most shit he's ever been given due to his blunder of an escape, and the possibility of a court Marshall was up in the air. I think the only reason that hasn't happened yet is because of his actions when New Monbasa was invaded.

So at the moment Rookie has decided to stay in his quarters till his next mission, so he didn't cause any trouble with anyone(hopefully).


It's been two days since the armored mans disappearance and the Jedi have been searching, searching and looking for any leads that will lead to his arrest, but all they have is the chip the armored man gave them.

They haven't looked through the chips info yet since they detected an AI system residing inside the chip. So in case the AI directives are of malicious intent they cut off all wireless connection with the outside.

The Jedi counsel men and women were all gathered in a meeting chamber deep inside the Temple.

It was completely silent inside and you could smell the tension in the air, Yoda sat in his chair and looked everyone over "welcome everyone, now lets figure out what this armored man has given us" Yoda said seriously. He slowly walked over to the machine and inserted the chip, the room darkened and the holo projector started up.

A single blue dot appeared and started blinking at a steady pace, it turned red a few times but nothing else happened. Windu waved to a clone who started typing in some commands and suddenly a unknown insignia appeared(UNSC logo). The Jedi have never seen anything like this before, especially the unknown language "Jedi Username needed before access" the sudden voice made a few jump slightly.

"Sir my console is unresponsive" a clone said as the console suddenly sparked then powered down. The Jedi turned back to the image but instead of insignia, a yellow man stood there (Roland).

"Jedi username needed for access" the yellow man said again with a smile. All of the eyes landed on Yoda because if he wasn't allowed in, nobody was. Yoda looked around the room then nodded, he walked forward "Jedi Grand Master Yoda" he said to the yellow man, there was a few seconds of pause then he clapped his hand "welcome Master Yoda, what would you like to know".


This entire situation is growing dire, if we were to revel ourselves now there would be war, brutal war. It will be years before we can properly reveal ourselves and that's not even mentioning us assassinating the chancellor. The only chance at peace in the future is if we get those Jedi on our side, they are called the peacekeepers of this galaxy and I hope they can be peacekeepers for two.


The Jedi were mortified, the Sith Lord, the last one, was hiding right under there noses. Roland has shown them video and audio recordings of several now dead senators and military officials admitting that palpatine was the Sith Lord. The communications between palpatine and several CIS generals including Count dooku was also revealing and concerning, how has he been able to be so well hidden in such a watched environment.

The last recording of palpatine or should I say Sidious was him talking to dooku about the use of order 66, an order that would make all the clone forces kill any Jedi they saw, and a chip embedded in there neck would make them do it. Obi-wan and Plo Koon left for kimono immediately to investigate it and hopefully put a stop to it, several others have contacted other Jedi out in space and elsewhere to be vigilant of the clones around them and be ready to make a quick escape.

Let just say the Jedi are now more suspicious then they have ever been in recent years, even with the war with the CIS raging on.

Yoda sat on a chair with his eyes closed in thought and Windu the same, they would have never suspected this in a million years, such corruption and degradation of the political system had let this man take power and almost destroy the republic from within

It made them want to get back into politics as much as they hate to say it, but it also made them wonder who the armored man and the AI named Roland worked for.

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