Winter's end

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The sun is starting to set later now.

I do not think we ever completely heal
Not on this side of eternity.

I think we learn to live with it,
We learn to mingle it in with our everyday lives

It isn't wrong to carry grief,
It's proof that you once loved,
And loved deeply.

I know this night feels as though it's never ending,
But do you see it?
There, on the horizon?
The sun is rising—
It is rising and will warm
even the coldest parts of you.

Even now,
The frost is beginning to thaw.
The flowers are beginning to bloom.
The long nights are ending.

No, we may never fully heal.
The scars are our testimony.
You survived.

Summer is on the rise,
The nights won't be so long.
Light is coming.
Dawn is breaking.

Thank you Lord,
For giving us the sun
In the middle of our darkest night.

I can see You now,
Illuminating through the blackness,
Pouring in light from the cracks.

How warm it is
To be near You.

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