Chapter 1: A new friend

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Theodore Grambell was not like the other children at the Playcare. He did not like to play games, or run around, or make noise. He preferred to stay in his room, drawing on his sketchbook, or watching cartoons on the old TV. 

The other children did not understand Theo. They thought he was weird and boring. They teased him and called him names. They sometimes took his sketchbook and ripped his drawings. They never invited him to join them in their activities. Theodore felt lonely and sad. He wished he had a real friend, someone who would appreciate him and his drawings, someone who would make him laugh and have fun.

One night, as Theo was lying on his bed, hugging his PJ Pug - a - Pillar plushie, he heard a voice in his room.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" the voice said.

Theodore looked around, but he saw no one. He thought he was dreaming.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" the voice repeated.

Theo rubbed his eyes and sat up. He realized the voice was coming from the air vent next to his bed.

"Who are you?" Theo asked, curiously.

"My name is Experiment 1006, but you can just call me 1006." the voice said.

Theo gasped. He could not believe it.

"Why are you in the vent?" Theo asked, curiously.

"I'm lonely, I came to find a new friend. What is your name?" Asked 1006.

"Theo." Theo responded nervously.

"Well, Theo, I think you're a very special and talented boy. I like your drawings," 1006 said referring to the drawings on the drawers by Theo's bed, "They're amazing. You have a great imagination. You can create anything you want."

Theo felt a warm feeling in his chest. He felt happy and flattered. He had never received such compliments before.

"Thank you, 1006. You're very kind. But I don't think I've heard of you before, where did you come from?" Theo asked, amazed.

"Well, it's a long story, but I'll tell you later. Right now, I just want to talk to you, Theo. I want to be your friend. Do you want to be my friend?" 1006 asked.

Theo nodded eagerly. He wanted to be 1006's friend more than anything.

"Yes. I want to be your friend. I want to be your best friend. I love you, 1006." Theodore said.

"I love you too, Theo. I want to be your best friend. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." 1006 said.

Theo smiled. He felt a connection with 1006, a bond that he had never felt with anyone else. He felt like he had found his true friend, his soulmate.

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