*add romantic title here*

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I am fully aware that I am not a first choice,
I've been the alternative and the convenience,
I'm the pitstop to refuel and get what you want to help you along.
The stick to scratch the itch till you find better means,
And a conquest you can brag to your friends as an easy trial.

Once, did I let someone like that turn me over and spin me into oblivion with their charm,
Made me feel special and wanted,
Little did I know I was the other woman keeping their bed warm.
Throwing those three words around like they didn't belong to someone else.

I know kind eyes that outshine a quick tongue and a dull mind filled with notches on bedposts and names in a red velvet book.
I loved a man once with warm hands and wandering glances that never touched me.
With a sweet smile that faded faster and faster each time they gave it to me.

I left that world behind and swore I'd never look for another one that did not resonate with mine.
A heart that is singular in devotion and loyalty.
A smile that's genuine and just for me.
A wit and an appetite for mischief and fun but never to humiliate or belittle.
Steady and strong arms to hold me when I need support.

They will be everything I've never had and everything I've ever wanted.
I'm scared that I won't recognise them or that they won't see me.
That they'll overlook or not even look at me at all.
You can admire and love an idea, but that doesn't mean it will reflect it back.

Passion, love, lust, and hunger are all the same. Whichever way you look at it,
I hope whoever they are, they will be passionate about me, love and lust for me in equal measure, and hunger it all in return.
Them looking for me while I look for them, and we meet in the middle at the centre of it all.
Slowly draw closer to each other until we finally become one.

Like the legend of beings with two heads, four arms and four legs, we are cut in half, I'm looking for mine that which makes me whole.

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