You, Darling you.

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You are a whirl wind of trouble,
And I find myself wanting to be in the centre.
An elegant and ornate door waiting to be opened,
With bolts and chains and a sign 'do not enter!'.
And though I know I should stay away and heed the warning,
I find myself drawn by a pull of curiosity and desire,
Am I to pick the locks and find love?
Or throwing myself into the fire.

I see lines I long to discover and trace,
As though you're a map and your heart is the treasure.
I see the dawn and the dusk in your sweet smile,
And with a tender kiss, I'll find immense pleasure.
Your eyes reflect your soul, and it shines on through,
And with every glimpse, I catch my breath.
I am struggling to focus and see clearly,
And not touching you leaves me bereft.

Your laughter is a concerto a melody I adore,
Your voice even in tones that soothe life terrors.
Living seems easier knowing you exist,
Self-assured and owning up to your errors.
There is a song in your heart caged and alone,
I want to set it free and hear it ring true,
The notes are ingrained a sheet of music on bone.

Beauty becomes you, and you're a picture of grace,
The artist modelled you well and made you just right,
They day becomes bearable when I see your face.
Come to me and hold me, and for a while, will suffice,
And tightly, please don't ever let go.
For don't you see what I'm trying to tell you,
It's you, darling you, I can't sacrifice.

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