*Edited* Chapter 5

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Klaus's POV:

     My sister is pregnant with an enemy's baby. How can she be so stupid, but she's right though, she didn't like Hailey, yet I did sleep with her. Now, I have to deal with two hormonal women. One wolf and one already irritable hybrid. My sister will be worse though because she is in every way just like me. I mean we're twins and not only by looks, but by actions, words, and outfits, well, and of course, patience and kindness. Who am I kidding?  We don't have patience and kindness. We're evil all the way around, even though we do have a heart.

"Time to wake dear sister, we have to meet Marcel." I beckoned, as I opened her curtains.

"Go away, Nik, can't a pregnant lady sleep for a while?" She whined, and I chuckled.

"No, now get up, we're going to be late." I retorted, and she groaned.

"Fine, I'll be down in five." She said, and I smiled.

    With that I left Claws to her work and like she said, five minutes later she was down beside me. We left and headed towards the bar that we were meeting Marcel. Claws didn't look to pleased, but with her hormones heightened even more, she wasn't meant to be happy. I just hope nobody can tell that she's pregnant. I mean I still can't be to happy about the baby, but Marcel would be terribly mad, epecially sense he has a thing for Claudia. Not a small thing neither. I mean, he's had a thing for her for over a hundred years. He hasn't told her though, and I haven't told her either. This would make her mad, being that he is almost like an enemy.

"Where's Marcellus?" She asked angrily, and I tried to calm her down.

"I don't know, Claws, just wait a minute, don't go all crazy just yet sweetheart." I replied, causing her to glare at me.

    Right then, Marcel walked in with a few of his 'friends'. He had a huge smile on his face. He walked over to me and shook my hand. Then he walked over toward Claudia. He hugged her and then took a step back and kept looking at her. It was like as if he was examining her.

"There's something different about you Claws." He said, and I glared at him.

"Oh, really, like what?" I asked, as he studied her.

"I can't tell, but I can feel it." He replied, and my heart almost stopped.

"What can you feel?" I asked, a hint of fear running through my veins.

    He walked closer to her and grasped her hand in his. She was not happy about it, but she knew to keep her cool and roll with it. He then looked over to me with shock and anger in his eyes. At that moment I knew he knows about the baby. I stepped in front of my sister protectively, as Marcel thought of what he was going to say.

"Why wasn't I informed?" Marcel asked us angrily, and I glared.

"Because the witches need not know about Claudia's baby, since you already know what is going on with Hailey. There's no need for Claudia to be trapped here." I answered, causing him to glare at me as well.

"The witches want Hailey's child, and I bet they won't need Claudia's than." He retorted, but I shook my head.

"Yes they do, that's why it is a secret. Nobody else needs to know besides the people who are already informed and if someone else finds out about the baby, without mine or my twin's consent, well, then there'll be problems." I stated, and Claudia nodded in agreement.

"I still can't believe you, Claws. A baby? Really?" He commented, and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I didn't plan on it, Marcellus, it just sort of happened." Claws said, and he scoffed.

"Well that shouldn't of happened. Who's the father?" He asked, and she crossed her arms defensively.

"That's none of your business, Marcel." She spat, causing him to become angry.

    At that moment, Marcel went toward Claudia and stuck his hand in her chest and ran her up to a wall. He was so angry, yet not as much as I, but I needed to see what he was going to do, and if he was going to do something wrong, well, you know what'll happen.

"Of course it's my business, Claudia." He spat, as he pushed his hand further into her chest.

"Wh-what are you going to do about it? Are you going to kill me Marcel? After all I've done for you? " She seethed, as he grew more angry.

     He then started to move his hand, causing her to gasp. I couldn't take the sight of my sister in pain anymore. Besides that, I could feel as much pain in my chest as her. It felt as if someone was pulling at my heart. So, I ran at him and pulled him off. Claudia fell to the floor coughing, as I proceeded to beat Marcel for hurting my twin.

    I then raced over to my twin. She was still a little bit sore, as was I. Taking her home, she was a little more pale. Well, it wasn't that she became more pale, she was just staying pale. She got sick twice on the walk home, so bad she didn't to vamp speed home. I just hope it'll get better.

      When we got home, Elijah seemed worried, as if I couldn't take care of my sister. He sped over to Claudia and pulled her into a hug. When he let go she seemed as if she was going to be sick again, so she vamp sped to her bathroom. I was going to help hold up her hair. When I got to her room, she was already in the bathroom. I ran to her and grabbed her hair. I held it up, and rubbed her back. She sat up, and flushed the toilet. She then stood and walked over to her sink. Brushing her teeth and washing her face, she looked over to me.

"I haven't been sick for over a thousand years, Nik. I don't know how much longer I can get through this." She cried, as I rubbed my hand on her back for comfort.

"You'll get through it sister." I said, and she smiled.

"I'm just glad I have you, you're the only thing really helping me right now. I just don't know what to do anymore, and this thing is killing me. I just don't know." She stated, and I sighed.

"Look, you'll be fine. I'll be here for you every step of the way. You'll get through this the same as I, stronger than when it started. I love you, sister, nothing is going to happen to you, you're not going to die." I replied, as I kissed the side of her head.

"I love you so much, Nik, you're the best." She commented, and I smiled.

"I love you, too, Claws." I answered, helping her off the floor.

     I just hope my words stick to her. We walked back into her room. She laid down on her bed. I sat at the foot of the bed, and we kept chatting about random things. This is what I miss about my life, being able to talk to my sister without a care in the world. We went down hill when Kol was killed, but now I know that we still have each other and sometimes that's all we need. I just have one thing to do that she won't like, and that's dagger Elijah. Now that's because I'm having to give him over to Marcel so that he won't rat on Claws, but she will forgive me.

     I'm just hoping that I'm right on what I said about her being fine. I mean, I will be there for her every step of the way, and we'll both be stronger when this is over. I just don't know what to expect, but one thing is true. I'm not going to let my sister die, not ever or easily...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Apparently, aI just wanted my OC to die, since I doubt a pregnancy really would've killed a hybrid.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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